Making the Connection With Collibra

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When a user clicks the Test button on the Collibra Integration page, Team Server performs several tests to ensure connectivity with Collibra. During this process, ERTS displays a progress pop-up window that shows which test passed or failed. Detailed errors and responses received from Collibra for these test are stored in the collibra.log file.

ERTS 200 Collibra Test Progress.jpg

These tests include:

  • HTTP GET test. This test performs an HTTP GET request to a known working endpoint ( This will check if we are connected to the internet.
  • Proxy Server test. ERTS uses the input for host and port from the UI post, and then checks for the existence of a Proxy Server and verifies whether authentication is required.
  • Team Server Keystore test. Team Server checks whether the protocol is HTTPS. If so, then an SSL certificate or keystore is necessary to support HTTPS. The system then tests for the existence of a Team Server keystore file.
  • Collibra Server Ping test. This test verifies the reachability of the Collibra server from the Team Server. It uses the '/application/info' API endpoint, depending on the selected Collibra address (HTTP or HTTPS). The test then makes an HTTP GET request to Collibra and logs the response.
  • Username and Password Test. This test makes sure that the entered usernames and passwords are correct, valid, and properly supported.
  • HTTPS Certificate test. The system checks for the existence of the Collibra server keystore file to verify the HTTPS certificate.
  • Performance test. This test measures performance by retrieving a large block of text by hitting the "/activities" endpoint to get 100 items.

All of the above tests are essential to confirm proper connectivity with Collibra. In case of any failures, detailed errors and responses received from Collibra for each test will be recorded in the 'collibra.log' file.

See Also