Create and Monitor a Data Source

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With the new DBArtisan Team Server license you can now get some interesting live metrics about your data sources. To enable ER/Studio Team Server to monitor your databases, follow these steps.

Create a Data Source

Open in a web browser the URL that you specified in your ER/Studio Team Server installation and log in.

Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote: Your user needs to have permission to view and create data sources. Administrator can manage this permission on the Permissions page.

From the top navigation bar, select Data Sources, and then click New Data Source on the top right of the page.

In the New Data Source dialog box that opens:

  1. Enter a Name to identify your new data source.
  2. Write a Definition that provides detailed information about the datasource, such as its purpose and audience.
  3. Define the Production Level, Location, and Status of the data source using nomenclature you decide upon.
  4. In the Type box, select the database platform of your data source.
  5. Enter the required Connection Properties. They will vary depending on the database platform you select. See Data Source Fields for a Specific Database Management System.
  6. Click Save to save your new data source.

Create a Related Login Credential

To create a Related Login Credential:

  1. Select the data source you have just created and then select Related Login Credentials on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click the New Login Credentials button on the upper-right corner.
  3. In the New Login Credentials dialog box that opens:
    1. Define the Name of your new Login Credential.
    2. Type the User Name. User Name is a login for the Data Source that you are going to relate to.
    3. Enter and confirm the Password. Password is for the previous User Name.
      For systems that may not require a password such as Sybase, this field may be left empty.
    4. Write a Description that provides detailed information about the Login Credential, such as its purpose and users group.
    5. Click Save to save your new Login Credential.

Monitor the Data Source

  1. Click the Test connection button on the login credential you have just created.
  2. Select Monitoring on the left-hand sidebar
  3. On the Setup tab, click Start for the login credential you tested previously.

Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote: You can see monitoring information on the data source description page

See Also