Configuring Which Content to Synchronize

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There are two different procedures that you can follow to customize what supported content to synchronize from ER/Studio Repository into ER/Studio Team Server:

Configuring Which Resources to Synchronize

Note: You cannot change the synchronization settings during a synchronization process.

To configure which resources to synchronize from ER/Studio Team Server:

  1. Select My Settings > Admin > ER/Studio Synchronization.
  2. In the ER/Studio Synchronization page, there is a table. In that table:
    1. Select under Action what to do with each resource during the synchronization. You can choose one of:
      • Update. Changes in ER/Studio Repository are propagated to the ER/Studio Team Server Reporting Repository. The Reporting Repository is updated.
      • Ignore. Changes in ER/Studio Repository are not synchronized back to the ER/Studio Team Server Reporting Repository. The Reporting Repository is not updated.
      • Delete. The target resource is deleted from the ER/Studio Team Server Reporting Repository.
      When you change an action for a resource, an asterisk (*) appears below the Action combo box of that resource.
      Tip: When you select an action for a node in the tree, the same action is selected in all its subnodes.
    2. Check Images in a resource to synchronize the resource images as well.
      Tip: When you check or uncheck a node in the tree, the action affects all its subnodes.
  3. Click Apply Changes to save your synchronization settings.

After you change your synchronization settings, upcoming synchronization operations use these settings, updating, ignoring, and deleting resources from the Reporting Repository according to those settings.

Defining Synchronization Filters

If the ER/Studio Synchronization page is not flexible enough for you, you can optionally of an XML configuration file in the ER/Studio Team Server server, RepoRpt.xml, to define synchronization rules that exclude or include specific files and patterns. You can find the RepoRpt.xml file inside solutions\etl\config, within the ER/Studio Team Server installation folder.

To create a rule, add a Diagram element to RepoRpt.xml, inside the Diagrams element, using the following syntax: <Diagram FILE_NAME="Filename Pattern" FILTER="Filter Value" />; where:

  • Filename Pattern is a pattern representing the name of one or more diagrams.
When defining a file pattern, you can use the ? and * wildcard characters:
  • ? represents a single characters. For example, D?.dm1 matches the diagrams D1.dm1 and D2.dm2, but not D10.dm1.
  • * represents zero or more characters. For example, you can use *1.dm1 if you want the rule to affect any diagram that ends in "1".
  • Filter Value is either TRUE, to include files matching the filename pattern, or FALSE, to exclude files matching the filename pattern.

For example, to include diagram names such as CorDM2_v6B.dm1 and CorDM_v6B.dm1, use <Diagram FILE_NAME="???dm*.dm1" FILTER="TRUE" />.

Rules to exclude files take precedence over rules to include files. For example, the following rules includes all diagrams that start with the letter "D" except for the diagram named "Diagram123":

<Diagram FILE_NAME="D*.dm1"         FILTER="TRUE"  />
<Diagram FILE_NAME="Diagram123.dm1" FILTER="FALSE" />

Synchronization filters take precedence over synchronization settings defined in the ER/Studio Synchronization page. Files excluded from the synchronization process using this method do not show up in the ER/Studio Synchronization page. If you exclude a file that is already available in the Reporting Repository, ER/Studio Team Server removes the file from the Reporting Repository.

See Also