Add a Glossary

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Glossaries are collections of terms, such as "Human Resources", "Accounting", or "Customer Service". Glossaries can contain many terms, and each term can be associated with many glossaries.

Open in a web browser the URL that you specified in your ER/Studio Team Server installation and log in.

Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote: Your user needs to have permission to view and create glossaries. Administrator can manage this permission on the Permissions page.

From the top navigation bar, select Glossaries, and then click New Glossary on the top right of the page.

In the New Glossary dialog box that opens:

  1. Enter a Name to identify your new glossary.
  2. Write in Parent Glossary the name of an existing glossary if you want your new glossary to be a child of an existing glossary. Click Add to set the parent.
  3. Define the Status of the glossary using nomenclature you decide upon. You can use for example the following nomenclature: "Approved", "Not Yet Approved", "Implemented", "Not Yet Implemented", or "Deprecated".
  4. Write a Definition that provides detailed information about the glossary, such as its purpose and audience.
  5. Click Save to save your new glossary.

See Also