FMXTStyleManager (C++)
This example shows how to use the TStyleManager.SetStyleFromFile method in order to set the style of the form at run time.
To build and test this example create a new Multi-Device Application and add the following code to the OnCreate event handler of the form.
Note: You can also set the style of a form at design time, using a style book component.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) {
TOpenDialog *OpenDialog = NULL;
try {
OpenDialog = new TOpenDialog(this);
OpenDialog->Filter = "Style Files|*.style";
// Use a filter to show only the style files.
if ((OpenDialog->Execute() == true))
{ // Show the dialog and if the user clicked OK,
// load the selected style and set it as the active style.
__finally {