CharacterTypes (C++)
The following example demostrates the use of some routines in Character unit that allow to determine the type of a character. When the user types something in the first memo, the second one gets filled with relevant information.
void __fastcall TMainForm::mmTextChange(TObject *Sender)
String allText = mmText->Text;
int LDigits = 0;
int LLetters = 0;
int LLower = 0;
int LUpper = 0;
int LNumber = 0;
int LPuct = 0;
int LSep = 0;
int LSymbols = 0;
int LWhites = 0;
/* Calculate all all kinds of charcters in the memo */
for (int i = 1; i <= allText.Length(); ++i)
/* Check for digit */
if (IsDigit(allText[i])) LDigits++;
/* Check for number */
if (IsNumber(allText[i])) LNumber++;
/* Check for letter */
if (IsLetter(allText[i])) LLetters++;
/* Check for lower-cased letter */
if (IsLower(allText[i])) LLower++;
/* Check for upper-cased letter */
if (IsUpper(allText[i])) LUpper++;
/* Check for punctuation */
if (IsPunctuation(allText[i])) LPuct++;
/* Check for separators */
if (IsSeparator(allText[i])) LSep++;
/* Check for symbols */
if (IsSymbol(allText[i])) LSymbols++;
/* Check for symbols */
if (IsWhiteSpace(allText[i])) LWhites++;
mmRes->Text = Format(String("%d digits; %d numbers; %d letters; ") +
"(%d upper and %d lower); %d puctuation; %d separators; " +
"%d symbols; %d whitespaces",
ARRAYOFCONST((LDigits, LNumber, LLetters, LUpper, LLower, LPuct,
LSep, LSymbols, LWhites))
- System.Character.IsDigit ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsNumber ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsLetter ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsLower ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsUpper ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsPunctuation ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsSeparator ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsSymbol ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Character.IsWhiteSpace ( fr | de | ja )