ControlMargins (Delphi)
This example evidences the usage of the Margins and AlignWithMargins properties. Note that Margins only work when AlignWithMargins is set to True and Align is not alNone.
TopPanelMargin = 10;
BottomPanelMargin = 30;
TopPanel, BottomPanel : TPanel;
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ Create a new panel and align it to top }
TopPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
TopPanel.Parent := Self;
TopPanel.Align := alTop;
TopPanel.Height := (ClientHeight div 2);
{ Create a new panel and align it to the remaining client size. }
BottomPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
BottomPanel.Parent := Self;
BottomPanel.Align := alClient;
{ Set Top panel margins. }
{ Note: Margins will not have an effect if Align is alNone }
TopPanel.Margins.SetBounds(TopPanelMargin, TopPanelMargin,
TopPanelMargin, TopPanelMargin);
TopPanel.AlignWithMargins := true;
TopPanel.Caption:= 'TopPanel';
{ Set Bottom panel margins. }
{ Note: Margins will not have an effect if Align is alNone. }
BottomPanel.Margins.SetBounds(BottomPanelMargin, BottomPanelMargin,
BottomPanelMargin, BottomPanelMargin);
BottomPanel.AlignWithMargins := true;
BottomPanel.Caption:= 'BottomPanel';
if (TopPanel.Top <> TopPanelMargin) or
(TopPanel.Left <> TopPanelMargin) or
(TopPanel.Width <> (ClientWidth - (TopPanelMargin * 2))) or
(BottomPanel.Top <> (TopPanel.Height + (TopPanelMargin * 2) +
BottomPanelMargin)) or
(BottomPanel.Left <> BottomPanelMargin) or
(BottomPanel.Width <> (ClientWidth - (BottomPanelMargin * 2)))
MessageDlg('This should not happen! Position and size are ' +
'calculated relative to the margins', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- Vcl.Controls.TControl.AlignWithMargins ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Controls.TControl.Margins ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Controls.TMargins ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Controls.TControl.SetBounds ( fr | de | ja )