FMXPrinting (C++)
This example shows how to print an image from a FireMonkey application. This example consists of a form, a button, and an image. When you press the button, the image is printed to the attached printer, with the specified printing resolution (DPI).
Please refer to the Printing from a FireMonkey Application topic for more information regarding printing in FireMonkey applications.
void __fastcall TMyForm::PrintButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
TRectF SrcRect, DestRect;
TPrinter *Printer = Printer;
/* Set the default DPI for the printer. The SelectDPI routine defaults
to the closest available resolution as reported by the driver. */
Printer->ActivePrinter->SelectDPI(1200, 1200);
/* Set canvas filling style. */
Printer->Canvas->Fill->Color = claBlack;
Printer->Canvas->Fill->Kind = TBrushKind(1);
/* Start printing. */
/* Set the Source and Destination TRects. */
SrcRect = Image1->LocalRect;
DestRect = TRectF(0, 0, Printer->PageWidth, Printer->PageHeight);
/* Print the picture, on all the surface of the page and all opaque. */
Printer->Canvas->DrawBitmap(Image1->Bitmap, SrcRect, DestRect, 1);
/* Finish the printing job. */
- FMX.Printer.TPrinterDevice.SelectDPI ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Printer.TPrinter.BeginDoc ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Printer.TPrinter.EndDoc ( fr | de | ja )