MakeObjectInstance (C++)

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This example uses the MakeObjectInstance function to subclass a form's WinProc for the purpose of trapping Windows messages. This needs to be done for components that are not decendants of TWinControl. MakeObjectInstance is used here to allocate a block of memory for the class object. Then you fill the memory with the machine code necessary to jump to a unique class object member function, and then use the address of that block of memory as the callback address.


class TMyComponent : public TComponent
  void* FNewWndProcInst;
  void* FOldWndProcInst;

  virtual void __fastcall MyWndProc(Messages::TMessage& Msg);
  __fastcall TMyComponent(TComponent* Owner);
  __fastcall ~TMyComponent(void);

// This is the constructor. Create the instance callback and
// save it to FNewWndProcInst and save the old window proc to
// FOldWndProcInst. Subclass the form.
__fastcall TMyComponent::TMyComponent(TComponent* Owner)
  : TComponent(Owner), FOldWndProcInst(0), FNewWndProcInst(0)
  // If the owner is a form, the following code fragment is valid:
  TForm* form = dynamic_cast<TForm*>(Owner);
  if (form)
	FNewWndProcInst = MakeObjectInstance(MyWndProc);
	FOldWndProcInst = (void*) ::SetWindowLong(
	  form->Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) FNewWndProcInst);
	if (!FOldWndProcInst) { /* error */ };
  // Other initialization

// This is the destructor. Restore the original WndProc and
// free the instance callback.
__fastcall TMyComponent::~TMyComponent(void)
  if (FNewWndProcInst)
	  Form1->Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) FOldWndProcInst);

// This is the callback method; in this example, it is used
// to filter messages to the underlying Windows control.
TMessage oldMsg;

void __fastcall TMyComponent::MyWndProc(Messages::TMessage& msg)
  // You can perform any action with the message before calling
  // (or not calling) the original WndProc() to handle
  // the message call to the original WndProc.
  // Note that, if you have instantiated multiple objects
  // of this class, then you are actually chaining back to
  // MyWndProc() in each earlier instantiation, until you 
  // get back to the original WndProc.
  msg.Result = CallWindowProc(
	(long(__stdcall*)(HWND__*, unsigned int, unsigned int, long)) FOldWndProcInst, Form1->Handle,
	msg.Msg, msg.WParam, msg.LParam);
  // You can perform any action you want after the original WndProc() has handled the message.

  if (oldMsg.Msg != msg.Msg)
	  "Message recieved: Msg: " + IntToStr((int)msg.Msg) + " WParam: " +
	  IntToStr((int)msg.WParam) + " LParam: " + IntToStr((int)msg.LParam));
	oldMsg = msg;

TMyComponent *mycomp;

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
  : TForm(Owner)
  mycomp = new TMyComponent(this);
  oldMsg.Msg = 0;
  oldMsg.WParam = 0;
  oldMsg.LParam = 0;

void __fastcall TForm1::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender)
  delete mycomp;
