MaxFontSize (C++)
This example uses a Font dialog box, a button, and a label on a form. When you click the button, the Font dialog box appears. The available font sizes are within the range from 8 through 14. When you choose OK, the selected font is applied to the caption of the label.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
FontDialog1->Options << fdLimitSize;
FontDialog1->MaxFontSize = 14;
FontDialog1->MinFontSize = 8;
if (FontDialog1->Execute())
Label1->Font = FontDialog1->Font;
- Vcl.Dialogs.TFontDialog.Options ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Dialogs.TFontDialog.MaxFontSize ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Dialogs.TFontDialog.MinFontSize ( fr | de | ja )