OnKeyDown (C++)
The following code aborts a print job if you press Esc. Note that you should set KeyPreview to True to ensure that the OnKeyDown event handler of Form1 is called. Printer is a global Printers functions that returns a global instance of TPrinter to manage interaction with the printer.
#include <Printers.hpp>
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
KeyPreview = True;
void __fastcall TForm1::FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift)
if (Key == VK_ESCAPE && Printer()->Printing)
MessageDlg("Printing aborted", mtInformation,
TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK,0);
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TMemo *Memo1 = new TMemo(Form1); // The parent (Form1) will clean up this object.
Memo1->Parent = Form1;
Memo1->Visible = True;
Memo1->Width = 700;
if (OpenDialog1->Execute())
int X = 200;
int Y = 200;
for (int I = 0; I <= 10; I++)
if (!Printer()->Aborted)
Printer()->Canvas->TextOut(X, Y, Memo1->Lines->Strings[I]);
Y = Y + 80;
if (Y > (Printer()->PageHeight - 300))
Y = 200;
Sleep(1000); // to give you time to abort!
if (!Printer()->Aborted) Printer()->EndDoc();
- Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.OnKeyDown ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Printers.TPrinter.Abort ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Printers.TPrinter.Printing ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Printers.Printer ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.TextOut ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Printers.TPrinter.PageHeight ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.KeyPreview ( fr | de | ja )