TCoolBarBands (C++)

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To run this example, add the example code to a new project. The example code dynamically creates a TCoolbar and three TCoolBand objects populated with a windowed control in each TCoolBand.


void AddBands(TCoolBar *CoolBar, TList *Objects)
  TControl *pCurrent;
  for (int i = 0; i < Objects->Count; i++)
	pCurrent = reinterpret_cast<TControl *>(Objects->Items[i]);
    // Add only windowed controls to the coolbar.
    if (dynamic_cast<TWinControl *>(pCurrent) != NULL)
	   // Placing the control onto the CoolBar
      // causes the TCoolBar object to create a TCoolBand 
	   // and place the control within the band.
	  pCurrent->Parent = CoolBar;   // This statement increments CoolBar->Bands->Count.
	   // Get the reference of the newly created TCoolBand and assign text.
	  String S = pCurrent->ClassName();
	  CoolBar->Bands->Items[CoolBar->Bands->Count - 1]->Text = S;

#include <memory>       //For STL auto_ptr class

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
  : TForm(Owner)
  TCoolBar *CoolBar = new TCoolBar(this); // The owner (Form1) will clean this up.
  CoolBar->Parent = this;
  CoolBar->Align = alTop;
  std::auto_ptr<TList> List(new TList);
	TControl *Control;
	Control = new TButton(CoolBar); // The owner (CoolBar) will clean this up.
	Control = new TCheckBox(CoolBar); // The owner (CoolBar) will clean this up.
	Control = new TEdit(CoolBar); // The owner (CoolBar) will clean this up.
	AddBands(CoolBar, List.get());
  catch (...)
    ShowMessage("Some objects could not be added to Coolband");
