TextFloatMethods (C++)

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This example reads a floating-point value as a string and calls the TextToFloat method that will convert the number to a floating-point value. Then, you modify the decimal separator and call the FloatToText method to convert the floating-point value to a string that will be further displayed.


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	wchar_t text[100];
	double number;

	/* Read the floating-point value as a string. */
	printf("Enter a floating point number: "); scanf("%ls", text);

	/* Call the TextToFloat method to convert the string value to a double. */
	TextToFloat(text, &number, fvExtended);

	/* Output the results to the console. */
	printf("The number with the standard decimal separator is: %ls\n", text);

	/* Now modify the separator character. */
	Sysutils::DecimalSeparator = ',';

	/* Call FloatToText with the value passed as an Extended, with precision 15.
	   The result of the call is the number of characters actually set in the buffer
	   (text). */
	FloatToText(text, &number, fvExtended, ffGeneral, 15, 0);
	/* Output the results to the console. */
	printf("The number with the modified decimal separator is: %ls\n", text);

	return 0;
