CustomSort (C++)

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The following code orders a list view in reverse alphabetical order on the click of a button. The callback function CustomSortProc calls the global CompareText function and negates its return value.

int __stdcall CustomSortProc(long Item1, long Item2, long ParamSort) {

 return -CompareText((reinterpret_cast<TListItem *>(Item1))->Caption,

(reinterpret_cast<TListItem *>(Item2))->Caption); }


void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
  ListView1->CustomSort(CustomSortProc, 0);

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
	: TForm(Owner)
  TListItem *ListItem;
  ListView1->ViewStyle = vsList;
  ListItem = ListView1->Items->Add();
  ListItem->Caption = "Apples";
  ListItem = ListView1->Items->Add();
  ListItem->Caption = "Oranges";
  ListItem = ListView1->Items->Add();
  ListItem->Caption = "Pears";
