This example demonstrates how to use a TButtonGroup. This example requires the following components:
- A TButtonGroup object with 3 TGrpButtonItems objects
- A TButton object
The form should look like in the following image.
After running the project and pressing the button, the form should look like in the following image.
The user can press different buttons from the button group, setting their caption to X. The computer automatically places a 0 caption on an empty button, chosen randomly.
If a column, line, or diagonal is marked the same, a ShowMessage box appears, announcing the winner.
//procedures and variables declaration
int Random_var;//generate a random number from 0 through 9
int GameMatrix[3][3];//set to be -10 for an empty position, 0 for the 0-player, 1 for the X-player
int Score;//used for verifying whether the game is over (equals 3 if the X-player wins, 0 if the 0-player wins)
void Validate() {
int I, J;
// verify the lines
for (I = 0; I < 3; I++) {
Score = 0;
for (J = 0; J < 3; J++)
Score += GameMatrix[I][J];
if ((Score == 3) || (Score == 0))
// verify the main diagonal
Score = 0;
for (I = 0; I < 3; I++)
Score += GameMatrix[I][I];
if ((Score == 3) || (Score == 0))
// verify the secondary diagonal
Score = 0;
for (I = 0; I < 3; I++)
Score += GameMatrix[I][2 - I];
if ((Score == 3) || (Score == 0))
// verify the columns
for (I = 0; I < 3; I++) {
Score = 0;
for (J = 0; J < 3; J++)
Score += GameMatrix[J][I];
if ((Score == 3) || (Score == 0))
void StartGame() {
int I, J;
// show the button group and all the buttons' captions to an empty string
Form1->ButtonGroup1->Visible = True;
for (I = 0; I < 9; I++)
Form1->ButtonGroup1->Items->Items[I]->Caption = "";
// fill the game matrix with negative values, to help calculating the score
for (I = 0; I < 3; I++)
for (J = 0; J < 3; J++)
GameMatrix[I][J] = -10;
void FillMatrix(int Pos, int I) {
// set a specific item of the matrix to be the value given through the parameter
switch (Pos) {
case 0:
GameMatrix[0][0] = I;
case 1:
GameMatrix[0][1] = I;
case 2:
GameMatrix[0][2] = I;
case 3:
GameMatrix[1][0] = I;
case 4:
GameMatrix[1][1] = I;
case 5:
GameMatrix[1][2] = I;
case 6:
GameMatrix[2][0] = I;
case 7:
GameMatrix[2][1] = I;
case 8:
GameMatrix[2][2] = I;
default: ;
void Complete() {
int I;
// when the user presses a button and sets its caption to 'X', randomly find an
// unused button and set its caption to '0'
for (I = 1; I <= 9; I++) {
Random_var = Random(9);
if (Form1->ButtonGroup1->Items->Items[Random_var]->Caption == "") {
Form1->ButtonGroup1->Items->Items[Random_var]->Caption = "0";
FillMatrix(Random_var, 0);
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) {
// initialize the properties of the button group and other visual objects
Form1->Caption = "Tic Tac Toe";
ButtonGroup1->ButtonHeight = 50;
ButtonGroup1->ButtonWidth = 50;
ButtonGroup1->Height = 170;
ButtonGroup1->Width = 170;
ButtonGroup1->Visible = False;
ButtonGroup1->BorderStyle = bsNone;
ButtonGroup1->Font->Size = ButtonGroup1->ButtonHeight - 10;
Button1->Align = alBottom;
Button1->Caption = "START GAME";
//OnClick event handler for TButton
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) {
int I, J;
ButtonGroup1->Align = alTop;
ButtonGroup1->Width = Form1->Width - 10;
ButtonGroup1->ButtonWidth = ButtonGroup1->Width / 3;
ButtonGroup1->Height = ButtonGroup1->Width;
ButtonGroup1->ButtonHeight = ButtonGroup1->Height / 3;
ButtonGroup1->Enabled = True;
//OnClick event handler for a button group item (TGrpButtonItems)
void __fastcall TForm1::ButtonGroup1Items0Click(TObject *Sender) {
// when the user presses a button, set its caption to 'X', complete the GameMatrix,
// verify if the game is over, set another button's caption to '0'
if (ButtonGroup1->Items->Items[0]->Caption == "") {
ButtonGroup1->Items->Items[0]->Caption = "X";
GameMatrix[0][0] = 1;
if (Score == 3) {
ShowMessage("X WINS!");
ButtonGroup1->Enabled = False;
else {
if (Score == 0) {
ShowMessage("0 WINS!");
ButtonGroup1->Enabled = False;
//rewrite the previous procedure for all the other 8 button group items
- Vcl.StdCtrls.TButton ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.StdCtrls.TButton.OnClick ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.StdCtrls.TButton.Caption ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.StdCtrls.TButton.Align ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TButtonGroup ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TButtonGroup.Items ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TButtonGroup.Align ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TButtonGroup.Enabled ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TButtonGroup.Visible ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TGrpButtonItems ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TGrpButtonItems.Items ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ButtonGroup.TGrpButtonItem ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.CategoryButtons.TBaseButtonItem.Caption ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.CategoryButtons.TBaseButtonItem.OnClick ( fr | de | ja )