FireDAC.TFDBatchMove Sample
This sample demonstrates the functionality of the TFDBatchMove component to move data between txt files and tables using datasets.
You can find the TFDBatchMove sample project at:
- Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo | Samples and then navigate to:
- Object Pascal\DataBase\FireDAC\Samples\Comp Layer\TFDBatchMove\Main.
- Subversion Repository for Delphi:
This sample shows how to use the TFDBatchMove component to move information between different sources and destinations:
- Text to table
- Table to table
- Table to text
This component allows the user to process unattended data movement with log register and error control.
How to Use the Sample
- Navigate to the location given above and open:
- Delphi: Main.dproj
- Press F9 or choose Run > Run.
- Select one of the following connections from the Use Connection Definition drop-down menu: Access_Demo, Access_Demo_Pooled, SQLite_Demo or SQLite_Demo_Pooled.
- Click the three buttons to fully test the component behaviour:
- Click 1. Move text to table to load the data from the Data.txt file into a table.
- Click 2. Move table to table to move the dataset from one table to a different one.
- Click 3. Move table to text to move the table content to an output file DataOut.txt.
1. Move text to table button:
This button loads the content from a txt file located at Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo | Samples\Object Pascal\DataBase\FireDAC\Samples\Comp Layer\TFDBatchMove\Main\data.txt into a table from the selected DBMS.
The sample adds the FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.Text unit to the interface uses section to allow the creation of a text reader TFDBatchMoveTextReader and a dataset writer TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter.
- Sets the FileName property of TFDBatchMoveTextReader with the location of data.txt. This is the file used to load the data to the table. Also several DataDef properties are adjusted according to the text file format.
DataDef.Separator := ',';
It defines the separator used to separate the fields in the text file.DataDef.WithFieldNames := True;
It specifies that the field name is included in the first row of the text file.
- Uses the Dataset property of TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter to set the destination dataset. Also Optimise property is set to False to allow the dataset content to be visualized using TDBGrid.
The GuessFormat method is called before loading the data to automatically recognize the text file structure. Then the demo executes the TFDBatchMove component and shows the loaded data using a query in the TDBGrid.
2. Move table to table button:
This button moves the data between two different tables on the same DBMS.
The sample creates a TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader dataset reader and a TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter dataset writer.
- Uses the Dataset property of TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader to set the source dataset, qryLoaded.
- Uses the Dataset property of TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter to set the destination dataset, qryMoved.
It executes the TFDBatchMove component and shows the query of both datasets on the TDBGrid.
3. Move table to text button:
This button copies the data from the table source to an output file located at the application's path. It creates the destination file: DataOut.txt.
The sample creates a TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader dataset reader and a TFDBatchMoveTextWriter text writer.
- Uses the Dataset property of TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader to set the source dataset, qryLoaded.
- Sets the FileName property of TFDBatchMoveTextWriter to set the output file name and path: Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo | Samples\Object Pascal\DataBase\FireDAC\Samples\Comp Layer\TFDBatchMove\Main\DataOut.txt.
It executes the TFDBatchMove component to create the file and save the data to the output file.
See Also
- FireDAC
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.Text.TFDBatchMoveTextWriter
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.Text.TFDBatchMoveTextReader
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.DataSet.TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.DataSet.TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.SQL.TFDBatchMoveSQLReader
- FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove.SQL.TFDBatchMoveSQLWriter