Bufferpools Wizard for IBM DB2 (DB2 LUW)
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The Bufferpool Wizard lets you create a bufferpool (an area of memory where data pages are read, altered, and held during an operation) without knowing the underlying commands. As you complete the Bufferpool Wizard, DBArtisan constructs the necessary CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement based on the information that you supply. Note that the bufferpool you’re creating to store the data from the tables in selected database won’t be active until you restart the database.
The Bufferpool Wizard lets you:
- Name the tablespace and specify the size of the bufferpool.
- Set storage options for UNIX systems.
- Set Bufferpool disbursement parameters.
- Override the default bufferpool size for partitions (or nodes).
To Open the Bufferpool Wizard
- On the Navigator/Explorer, find the database where you want to add the new bufferpool.
- On the Buffer Pools branch of the Performance node, right-click and select New.
- Use the following topics as a guide to setting properties and performing tasks as you pass through the wizard panels:
- Properties panel - for details, see BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Properties.
- Nodegroups panel - for details, see BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Nodegroups.
- Partitions panel - for details, see BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Partitions.
- DDL View panel - for details, see Previewing the DDL Generated to Create the New Object.
- Finally, use the Execute button to create the object.
BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Properties
When creating or editing a buffer pool, this tab/panel lets you work with the following settings:
Setting | Description |
Create deferred |
Lets you defer changes until the next database activation. |
Pagesize |
The page size, in KB, is available in the increments 4, 8, 16, or 32. |
Automatic Size |
Enables automatic size adjustment to account for workload. |
Number of Pages |
Indicate the number of pages you want to include in the new bufferpool. If the database is partitioned database, the default size is of all the partitions (or nodes) where the bufferpool exists. A value of -1, the default, means the size will be taken from the database configuration parameter (BUFFPAGE). |
No. of Block Pages and Block Size |
Lets you specify NUMBLOCKPAGES and BLOCKSIZE values used when creating or modifying buffer pools. |
BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Nodegroups
Lets you select the Nodegroups on which to create the buffer pool. For more information, see Nodegroups Wizard (DB2 LUW).
BufferPools (DB2 LUW) - Partitions
Lets you modify the default size of assocaited partitions.