History View (DB2 LUW Performance Analyst)
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The History tab of the Database Configuration Details viewlets you browse the history file entries for the database. The history file contains a record of recovery and administrative events. Recovery events include full database and table space level backup, incremental backup, restore, and rollforward operations. Additional logged events include create, alter, drop, or rename table space, reorganize table, drop table, and load.
History Details
This section allows you to select the operation for which you want to see the history details. You can also narrow the history list to operations since a certain date or operations involving a certain object name. You can show the history for the following types of operations:
Backups |
Dropped Tables |
Load |
Quiesce |
Reorganizations |
Rollforward |
Tablespace Alters |
Tablespace Renames |
Tablespace Creates |
Tablespace Drops |
You can see further detail on some operations in the lower sections, by selecting that operation from the history detail operation list.
SQLCA Structure |
Shows the SQLCA structure for the selected operation from the history detail. This information is not available for Quiesce, Rollforward, and Reorganization operations. |
Tablespaces List |
Shows the list of tablespaces involved in the selected operation in history detail. |
DDL View |
Shows the DDL for the selected operation in the history detai |
Indoubt Transactions tab
The Indoubt Transactions tab provides a list of transactions that are in doubt. The Indoubt Transaction Detail metrics displayed for each indoubt transaction include:
- Application ID: Specifies the application identifier assigned by the database manager for this transaction
- Sequence Number: Specifies the sequence number assigned by the database manager as an extension to the application ID
- Status: Indicates the status of this indoubt transaction. Valid values are:
The transaction is prepared. The connected parameter can be used to determine whether the transaction is waiting for the second phase of normal commit processing or whether an error occurred and resynchronization with the transaction manager is required. |
The transaction has been heuristically committed. |
The transaction has been heuristically rolled back. |
The transaction is missing commit acknowledgement from a node in a partitioned database. |
The transaction has ended at this database. This transaction may be re-activated, committed, or rolled back at a later time. It is also possible that the transaction manager encountered an error and the transaction will not be completed. If this is the case, this transaction requires heuristic actions, because it may be holding locks and preventing other applications from accessing data. |
- Timestamp: Specifies the time when the transaction entered the indoubt state.
- Auth ID: Specifies the authorization ID of the user who ran the transaction.
- Log Full: Indicates whether or not this transaction caused a log full condition
- Originator
- XID: Specifies the XA identifier assigned by the transaction manager to uniquely identify a global transaction
Objects tab
Tables and indexes consume the storage in all databases. The Database Object Detail grid displays object space details for the database selected in the Database Object Summary grid.
The following statistics are presented for tables:
- Table Schema: The owner of the object
- Table Name: The name of the object
- File Group: File group where the object resides
- Reserved (KB): The amount of space (in KB) reserved by the object
- Used (KB): The amount of space (in KB) used by the object
- Free (KB): The amount of free space (in KB) used by the object
- Percent Used: The percentage of space used by the object