Tablespaces Wizard (DB2 LUW)

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Tablespaces establish connections between the physical storage devices of your database system and the logical containers or tables being use to store data. In essence, a tablespace is a storage structure that can hold tables, indexes, large objects, and long data. The Tablespace Wizard lets you create a tablespace without knowing the underlying commands.

To create a new tablespace using a wizard:

  1. Open a creation wizard for a tablespace. For details, see Opening an Object Wizard.
  2. Use the following topics as a guide to setting properties and performing tasks as you pass through the wizard panels:
  3. Finally, use the Execute button to create the object.

Tablespaces (DB2 LUW) - Properties

When creating or editing a tablespace, this tab/panel lets you work with the following settings:

Setting Description

Tablespace properties

Type - Select REGULAR, LARGE, TEMPORARY, or USER TEMPORARY. Use Automatic Storage and Managed By let you specify whether storage is managed automatically, by the database, or by the system. Database Partition Group - lets you select a database partition group. Buffer Pool - lets you select a buffer pool. Drop Recovery - For REGULAR type tablespaces, lets you enable/disable drop recovery.

Performance properties

This group lets you specify or select the Page SIze, Extent Size, Prefetch Automatic, Prefetch Size, Overhead, Transfer Rate, and File System Caching properties.

Automatic Storage properties

This group lets you specify or select the AutoResize, Initial Size, Increase Size, Max Size Unlimited, and Max Size attributes.

Tablespaces (DB2 LUW) - Container

For each container in the tablespace, in the Container Properties area, provide the following container properties: Database Partitions, Type (FILE or DEVICE), Name, and Size, and then click the New button.

Use the Delete button to drop a selected container.