Database Monitor tabs

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The following table describes the tabs available on the Database Monitor.

Tab Description


The Database Monitor Processes tab displays all processes connected to the server and lets you scan databases for potential performance problems, view each process for potential performance problems, and view login time and seconds idle since last call. For more information, see Killing Processes.

Long Operations (ORCL)

Displays statistics from the Oracle V$SESSION_LONGOPS view or calculated from those base statistics. The primary criterion for an operation’s inclusion in the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view is that the operation runs for more than six seconds. There are additional criteria for inclusion in the V$SESSION_LOGOPS view, including type of operation. Before working with this functionality, you should be familiar with the Oracle V$SESSION_LONGOPS view. For information on using Oracle documentation, see Accessing Third Party Documentation. The following columns are available for each operation listed on this tab: SID - The session identifier (SID). START TIME - The start time of the operation (START_TIME). TIME REMAINING - Estimated number of seconds before the operation completes (TIME_REMAINING). PERCENT COMPLETE - Completion status, expressed as a percentage (SOFAR / TOTALWORK) * 100). UNITS SO FAR - The units of work currently completed (SOFAR). TOTAL WORK - The total units of work for the operation (TOTALWORK). UNIT OF MEASUREMENT - The units of measurement (UNITS). ELAPSED SECOND - The number of seconds since the operation started (ELAPSED_SECONDS). MESSAGE - A statistics summary message (MESSAGE). SERIAL # - The Session serial number (SERIAL#). OPERATION NAME - A description of the operation (OPNAME). TARGET OBJECT - The object that the operation is carried out against (TARGET). TARGET DESCRIPTION - A description o the target object (TARGET_DESC). LAST UPDATE TIME - The time when statistics were last updated (LAST_UPDATE_TIME). CONTEXT - An application-provided value (CONTEXT). USERNAME - The identifier of the user executing the operation (USERNAME).

Threads (DB2 z/OS)

Displays the threads on the target datasource. For related information, see Setting Scope Level in the Database Monitor.


Displays all processes that are currently holding locks on an IBM DB2 database. Locks include: Shared Lock - A Shared Lock lets other users view and read objects concurrently. The Shared Lock owner or other concurrent processes cannot alter data in tablespaces, tables, or partitions. Exclusive Lock - DBArtisan promotes locks from Shared to Exclusive when a user decides to update an object. Once DBArtisan promotes the lock, the user must complete the update before the lock can return to shared mode; another user cannot demote a shared lock. Exclusive locks exclude other users from viewing updates before they are committed. There can only be one exclusive lock for a set of objects. The first thread gets the exclusive lock and holds it until the update is committed. Once the update is committed, the exclusive lock returns to shared mode. You cannot update a lock in DBArtisan.

Utilities (DB2 z/OS)

Displays wizards that are typically run from the command line and do not apply to a particular type of schema object. Some of these wizards are also available via the command menus for objects. The wizards include Check Data, Check Index, Copy to Copy, Load Java, Merge Copy, Modify Recovery, Modify Statistics, Rebuild Index (DB2 z/OS), Reorganize /Reorg, Reorg (DB2 z/OS Tablespaces), Runstats Index, Runstats Tablespace, Unload, and Maintain Template. To run a wizard, select the command in the right pane of the application and click the Execute button on the Datasource Explorer toolbar. For related information, see Setting Scope Level in the Database Monitor.

Procedures (DB2 z/OS)

Displays the procedures on the target datasource. For related information, see Setting Scope Level in the Database Monitor.

Functions (DB2 z/OS)

Displays the functions on the target datasource. For related information, see Setting Scope Level in the Database Monitor.

Traces (DB2 z/OS)

Displays the traces on the target datasource.

Logs (DB2 z/OS)

Displays the logs on the target datasource.


Displays the bufferpools on the target datasource.

All Locks (DB2 z/OS)

Displays all processes that are currently holding locks on a database.

Blocking Locks

Displays the locks that are blocked. Detect blocking locks as they occur, as they can escalate into dead lock situations which can force you to shut down and restart your server to clear the traffic.

Active Rollback Segment

Rollback or undo segments are used to guarantee transactional integrity. When a transaction has not been committed or rolled back, a rollback segment will be in use with live transactional data. The Active Rollback Segment tab displays information concerning active rollback segments.

Data Dictionary Cache

Displays key indicators in determining the performance of the shared pool. It shows how often object definitions are found in memory vs. having to read them in from disk. Because Oracle references the data dictionary many times when an SQL statement is processed, it is imperative that as much of this vital reference information be kept in RAM as possible.

Datafile I/O

Displays details concerning the physical I/O activity at the datafile level. Physical I/O consists of Oracle going to disk to gather or write data. Logical I/O refers to data access performed in memory. The database writer (DBWR) and log writer (LGWR) processes typically perform all the I/O work in the database against the physical datafile used to hold information The checkpoint and archive processes (CKPT and ARCH), also perform I/O work in the database.

General Statistics

Displays general statistics data, including names and values.

Hit Ratio By User

The database server reads and updates all data from a bufferpool because memory access is much faster than disk access. Data is copied from disk to a bufferpool as needed by the applications using the database. When the server needs to read/write data and the data is already in the bufferpool, no disk access is required. However, if the data is not in the bufferpool, it needs to be read from the disk, which is significantly slower process. The buffer pool hit ratio indicates the percentage of time that the database server did not need to load a page to service the request for a page.


Latches protect many memory structures in Oracle's SGA. They ensure that one and only one process at a time can run or modify any memory structure at the same instant. Much more restrictive than locks (which at least allow for some collective user interaction), latches have no queuing mechanism so either you get it or you do not and are forced to continually retry.

Library Cache

The library cache holds commonly used SQL statements - basically database code objects. A method for improving performance in Oracle is to encourage the reuse of SQL statements so expensive parse operations may be avoided. The library cache assists this tuning effort.

MTS Dispatcher Contention

Displays Microsoft Transaction Server data. DBArtisan lets you develop and deploy COM-based applications using Microsoft Transaction Server.

MTS Server Contention

Displays Microsoft Transaction Server data. DBArtisan lets you develop and deploy COM-based applications using Microsoft Transaction Server.

Open Cursors

Open cursors consume Oracle resources and have the potential to degrade performance, especially if the SQL code being used in the cursor is inefficient. The Open Cursors tab lets you quickly spot user accounts that have many cursors opened as well as the actual performance statistics for each opened cursor.

Parallel Queries

Displays the total number of queries eligible to be run in parallel.

SGA Detail

The Oracle System Global Area (SGA) is Oracle's memory structural area devoted to facilitating the transfer of data and information between clients and the Oracle database.

SGA Hit Ratios

The Oracle System Global Area (SGA) is Oracle's memory structural area devoted to facilitating the transfer of data and information between clients and the Oracle database.

SGA Summary

The Oracle System Global Area (SGA) is Oracle's memory structural area devoted to facilitating the transfer of data and information between clients and the Oracle database.

Tablespace I/O

Displays details concerning the physical I/O activity at the tablespace level. Physical I/O consists of Oracle going to disk to gather or write data. Logical I/O refers to data access performed in memory. The database writer (DBWR) and log writer (LGWR) processes typically perform all the I/O work in the database. Other processes like the checkpoint and archive processes (CKPT and ARCH) may also be used.

System I/O Summary (SQL SVR)

Displays a summary of I/O activities that occur at the system level.

Database I/O Summary (SQL SVR)

Displays an overview of I/O operations at the database level.

User I/O Summary (SQL SVR)

Displays an overview of I/O operations at the user operation level.

Waits (SQL SVR)

Displays a detailed view of all wait activity occurring on the server.

Top SQL Cache (SQL SVR)

Displays the top 100 objects in the SQL cache, ranked by use counts.

Last 50 Backups (SQL SVR)

Displays the last fifty backups performed by the Microsoft SQL Server and lets you reference hot backup details at the server level within DBArtisan.

File I/O Summary (SQL SVR)

Displays an overview of I/O operations at the database file level.

Top Twenty SQL (ORCL)

Lets you view the Top Twenty SQL, the top (worst) SQL running in the Oracle shared pool. For more information, see SQL Toggle, Query Plan, and ISQL.

Wait Events (ORCL)

Lets you analyze bottlenecks and discover what a database is waiting on.

Prepared Transactions (PSTGRS)

The Database Monitor Prepared Transactions tab displays identification details for transactions that have been prepared for two-phase commit. The following pg_prepared_xacts table columns are displayed for each transaction: transaction ID, global ID, date and time that the PREPARE TRANSACTION statement was executed, and the owner and database associated with the transaction.

When this tab is active, the toolbar lets you Commit and Rollback a selected transaction.