Data Cache Editor (Sybase ASE)

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This editor lets you modify a data cache’s basic properties, object binding, and pool configuration.

Note: Consult Microsoft SQL Server documentation for detailed information on cache creation and configuration. Before creating or editing a data cache, be familiar with caching strategies, pool configuration, object binding, and server restart requirements. For assistance, see Accessing Third Party Documentation.

To edit a data cache:

  1. Open an editor on the data cache. For details, see Opening an Object Editor.
  2. Use the following table as a guide to understanding and modifying the settings on the tabs of this editor:
Tab Settings and tasks


Lets you view the Name, Status, Partitions, and Run Size properties and modify the Configured Size property. For caches with a Type of MIXED or LOGONLY, you can also modify the Type, and Policy properties. For more information on these properties, see Data Caches (Sybase ASE) - Properties.


Lets you bind and unbind databases, tables and indexes for this data cache as well as modify the caching strategy for bound objects. For details on these tasks, see Data Caches (Sybase ASE) - Objects.


Generates the sp_poolconfig calls required to add or modify buffer pools for this cache. It lets you add or delete pools, change the configured size of a pool, or modify the wash size or asynchronous prefetch percentage for a pool. The list on the left displays the pools currently configured for the cache. The Memory Pool Attributes list on the right displays the following attributes for a selected pool: Configured Size - total size of the memory pool Wash Size - the cache location at which dirty pages are written. Run Size - (display only) Async Prefetch - the percentage of buffers in the pool that can be used to hold buffers that have been read into cache using asynchronous prefetch, but that have not yet been used. Affected Pool - the size of I/O performed in the memory pool where the memory is to be deallocated. Optionally, you can:

Modify pool attributes

Select a pool from the list and modify values in the Memory Pool Attributes list

Add a new pool

Click Add Pool and select an I/O Size (in kilobytes). Modify pool attributes as required.

Delete a pool

Select a pool from the list and click Delete Pool.

DDL View

For details on using this tab, see Viewing the SQL/DDL for an Object.

3. When finished, you can submit your changes. For details, see Previewing and Submitting Object Editor Changes.