Groups Wizard (Sybase ASE)
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A group is a collection of privileges that the DBA assigns to designated users.
To create a new group using a wizard:
- Open a creation wizard for a group. For details, see Opening an Object Wizard.
- Use the following topics as a guide to setting properties and performing tasks as you pass through the wizard panels:
- Properties panel - for details, see Groups (Sybase ASE) - Properties.
- Object Permissions and System Permissions panels - see Setting Permissions or Privileges for an Object.
- DDL View panel - for details, see Previewing the DDL Generated to Create the New Object.
- Finally, use the Execute button to create the object.
After you click Finish and Execute, use the Group Editor to assign users to the new group. For details, see Groups Editor (Sybase ASE).
Groups (Sybase ASE) - Properties
When creating a group, this panel lets you provide a name for the group.