Library cache

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Libc pin lock.PNG

Libc latches.PNG


Library cache latches

Protects changes in Library Cache Library Locks are not atomic Thus need library cache latch Broken out into

  • library cache pin allocation
  • library cache lock allocation
  • library cache lock
  • library cache
  • library cache pin
  • library cache load lock


  • Excessive Hard Parsing
    • Not Sharing SQL – use of Literal Values
    • Shared Pool too small
  • Too many invalidations
  • Excessive Soft Parsing

Hard Parsing

Not Sharing SQL
Bind Variables
Select * from dual where dummy = :var;
Cursor_sharing = Force
Oracle replaces variables with bind variables
Defaults to Exact

select plan_hash_value,count(plan_hash_value)
from v$sql
group by plan_hash_value,
order by count(plan_hash_value)

SQL> @dups

272002086 520

select sql_text
from v$sql
plan_hash_value = 272002086
and rownum < 10;

SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=-634891633
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=1987751014
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=25965276
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=32449789
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=-364632215
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=-34273351
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=-699712683
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=1752437199
SELECT * FROM dual WHERE dummy=-1081512404

Shard pool too small

select namespace, reloads from v$librarycache;

Reloads means Cursor heaps were kicked out implying shared_pool too small


select namespace,
from v$librarycache;


Changes in dependent objects invalidate cursor

FOR i IN 1..3000 LOOP
'SELECT * FROM toto',dbms_sql.native);
execute immediate 'analyze table toto compute statistics';

Soft Parsing

FOR i IN 1..30000 LOOP
dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor,'SELECT * FROM dual’,dbms_sql.native);


Latch Gets
library cache lock 120,028
library cache 180,074
library cache pin 60,048


library cache lock 4
library cache 60,061
library cache pin 60,048

FOR i IN 1..30000 LOOP
FDBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE (l_cursor, 1, cnt);
Fend if;
FEnd loop;


Latch Gets
library cache lock 35
library cache 60,096
library cache pin 60,044


library cache lock 30
library cache 85
library cache pin 42

latch: library cache

library cache latch - usually indicates too much hard parsing

latch: library cache lock

latch: library cache pin

latch: shared pool latch

latch: shared pool latch

Library Cache Locks and Pins

Contention when Sessions try to

  • Load/compile same SQL
  • Compile package others are running

Locks and Pins are usually in share mode unless modifications are being made

Object dependency

  • lock in Null

Cursor execution

  • lock in null
  • Pin in Share

Cursor compilation

  • Lock exclusive
  • Pin exclusive

library cache load lock

multiple users waiting for same SQL to be compiled

library cache lock

user trying to compile code and can't access it in exclusive access

library cache pin


Find the blocker

waiter.sid waiter,
waiter.event wevent,
to_char(blocker_event.sid)||','||to_char(blocker_session.serial#) blocker,
0, blocker_event.event,
'ON CPU'),1,30) bevent
x$kglpn p,
gv$session blocker_session,
gv$session_wait waiter,
gv$session_wait blocker_event
and p.kglpnhdl=waiter.p1raw
and waiter.event in ( 'library cache pin' ,
'library cache lock' ,
'library cache load lock')
and blocker_event.sid=blocker_session.sid
and waiter.sid != blocker_event.sid
order by


129 00000003B76AB620 library cache pin 135,15534 PL/SQL lock timer


Mutexes in Library Cache

10gR2 new library cache latch mechanism that replace latches and takes less memory From Tanel Pode, On 32bit linux installation a mutex was 28 bytes in size, regular latch structure was 110 bytes. Takes less instructions to mutex get is about 30-35 instructions latch get is 150-200 instructions Less contention than latches, because there can be more mutexes Mutexes stored in each child cursor Turn off with _kks_use_mutex_pin=false , unsupported

Instead of "library cache pin" mutexes are used under "cursor: pin X", "cursor: pin S" and "cursor: pin S wait on X" The field blocking_session in v$session is not filled in when there are mutex waits on 10.2 at least. cursor: pin ( S, S wait on X) means re-executions of the same cursors Instead of latching for a pin on execute we use a shared mutex If can’t get the mutex spin. Turning off should increase ‘library cache pin’ events _kks_use_mutex_pin=false Contention should be worse for latches because latches cover multiple objects cursor_space_for_time not needed if mutexes are used

cursor: pin S

Pin cursor for execute, and cursor is currently being examined by another session
check out"
"A session waits on this event when it wants to update a shared mutex pin and another session is currently in the process of updating a shared mutex pin for the same cursor object. This wait event should rarely be seen because a shared mutex pin update is very fast.
Wait Time: Microseconds
Parameter Description
P1 Hash value of cursor
P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0)

P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps

cursor: pin X

When attempting to rebuild a cursor. This event should not be seen typically, because if a cursor is currently being used, and it needs to be rebuilt, another cursor will be create
"A session waits on this event when it is requesting an exclusive mutex pin for a cursor object and it must wait because the resource is busy. The mutex pin for a cursor object can be busy either because a session is already holding it exclusive, or there are one or more sessions which are holding shared mutex pin(s). The exclusive waiter must wait until all holders of the pin for that cursor object have released it, before it can be granted.

Wait Time:

Parameter Description
P1 Hash value of cursor
P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0)
P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps

cursor: mutex S

examining a parent (when looking for a cursor to execute)
examining a cursor’s statistics (usually querying v$sqlstats )
"A session waits on this event when it is requesting a mutex in shared mode, when another session is currently holding a this mutex in exclusive mode on the same cursor object."
Parameter Description
P1 Hash value of cursor
P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contain SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0)
P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps

cursor: mutex X

building a new cursor under a parent
building and updating cursor-related statistics
capture SQL bind data
"The session requests the mutex for a cursor object in exclusive mode, and it must wait because the resource is busy. The mutex is busy because either the mutex is being held in exclusive mode by another session or the mutex is being held shared by one or more sessions. The existing mutex holder(s) must release the mutex before the mutex can be granted exclusively.
Parameter Description
P1 Hash value of cursor
P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contain SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0)
P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleeps

cursor: pin S wait on X

Pinning a cursor for execute
Bug on typically with DBMS_STATS
Metalink Note:401435.1, Note:5907779.8, bug 5907779
check out
"A session waits for this event when it is requesting a shared mutex pin and another session is holding an exclusive mutex pin on the same cursor object.

Wait Time: Microseconds

Parameter Description
P1 Hash value of cursor
P2 Mutex value (top 2 bytes contains SID holding mutex in exclusive mode, and bottom two bytes usually hold the value 0)
P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR'd with Mutex Sleep

From Connie Green (have to check this reference):
"An example of the ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’ event.
  • If a session is waiting on the wait event ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’, the session is most likely trying to execute a cursor (pin S), and must wait as another session (who is most likely parsing the cursor) has it pinned X (wait on X)
  • v$session.p1 can be used to compare with v$mutex_sleep_history.mutex_identifier
  • Example v$session data (64 bit platform), from an instance where the mutex holder was hung due to a bug not related to mutexes, causing requestors to back up behind the holder:
select p1, p2raw, count(*)
from v$session
where event = ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’
and wait_time = 0
group by p1, p2;
2700259466 0000139700000000 9
<Mutex Id> < SId> <RefCnt>
As you can see, 9 sessions were waiting for Session Id 0x1397, which was holding exclusive the Mutex with the Id 2700259466. The Ref Count is zero, as we would expect. The 9 sessions are waiting to execute the cursor protected by mutex Id 2700259466. If latches had been in use instead of mutexes, it is likely this bug would have had a greater impact, as there would have been many more requestors backed up on a latch which protects many objects, than a mutex that in this case protects just one cursor.
  • To find the blocking session, use the top bytes of v$session.p2raw e.g. the top bytes of p2raw is the blocker 0x00001397 which when converted to decimal, is session Id 5015.

Row Cache

latch: row cache objects

row cache lock

Depends on which cache the lock is happening on
: ash.session_id sid,
ash.blocking_session bsid,
nvl(o.object_name,to_char(CURRENT_OBJ#)) obj,
o.object_type otype,
nvl(,to_char(ash.p3)) row_cache
:from v$active_session_history ash,
( select cache#, parameter name from v$rowcache ) rc,
all_objects o
:where event='row cache lock'
and rc.cache#(+)=ash.p1
and o.object_id (+)= ash.CURRENT_OBJ#
and ash.session_state='WAITING'
and ash.sample_time > sysdate - &minutes/(60*24)
:Order by sample_time
143 131 -1 0 0 41y8w0sfqb61m dc_sequences
134 131 -1 0 0 dc_sequences
151 -1 0 0 dc_sequences
134 151 -1 0 0 dc_sequences
131 151 -1 0 0 dc_sequences
151 -1 0 0 dc_sequences

select cache#, parameter name from v$rowcache order by cache#;

0 dc_tablespaces

1 dc_free_extents

2 dc_segments

3 dc_rollback_segments

4 dc_used_extents

5 dc_tablespace_quotas

6 dc_files

7 dc_users

7 dc_users

7 dc_users

7 dc_users

8 dc_objects

8 dc_object_grants

9 dc_qmc_cache_entries

10 dc_usernames

11 dc_object_ids

12 dc_constraints

13 dc_sequences

14 dc_profiles

15 dc_database_links

16 dc_histogram_data

16 dc_histogram_data

16 dc_histogram_defs

17 dc_global_oids

18 dc_outlines

19 dc_table_scns

19 dc_partition_scns

20 rule_info

21 rule_or_piece

21 rule_fast_operators

22 dc_awr_control

23 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries

24 outstanding_alerts

25 dc_hintsets

26 global database name

27 qmtmrcin_cache_entries

28 qmtmrctn_cache_entries

29 qmtmrcip_cache_entries

30 qmtmrctp_cache_entries

31 qmtmrciq_cache_entries

32 qmtmrctq_cache_entries

33 kqlsubheap_object
Example 1) dropping an object while another session tries to get information on the object gets dc_object_ids lock waits
Example 2) having the sequence cache too small and a lot of contention on sequences gets dc_sequences lock waits if on Sequence cache, then find the sequence and increase number cached