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Oracle: Enqueues

Part I: Intro

Information we need to solve locking issues :

1. Waiter

2. Blocker

3. Lock Type

  • type
  • mode

4. Object blocking on

5. Blocking SQL is Missing (Possibly with log miner)

ASH data

SQL Waiting
Blocker (as of 10gR2)
Lock Type and Mode
Event = Type (name)
P1 = Type | Mode

Lock Mode and Name

Select parameter1 from v$event_name where name=‘enqueue’;
Select p1, p1raw from v$session where event like 'enq%';
---------- --------
1415053318 54580006
Type = 5458
Mode = 0006
Hex Decimal ASCII
54 = 84 = "T"
58 = 88 = "X"
Lock = TX 6

Tx lock name mode.PNG

Wrapping this information up in one query we get:
chr(bitand(p1, 16711680)/65535) Type,
mod(p1,16) lmode
from v$active_session_history
where event like 'enq%';

HW 6
RO 6
JS 6

Notice that the query uses "v$active_session_history" but could also be used on v$session starting in 10g, or v$session_wait since version 7.
9i (and below)
One Wait : 'enqueue'
had to decode name and mode
208 enqueue waits
Specific to each type of enqueue
No longer need to decode name
but the mode can still be important to decode
For example, what was called an "enqueue" wait before 10g is now broken out like
enq: HW - contention Configuration
enq: SQ - contention Configuration
enq: SS - contention Configuration
enq: ST - contention Configuration
enq: TM - contention Application
enq: TW - contention Administrative
enq: TX - allocate ITL entry Configuration
enq: TX - index contention Concurrency
enq: TX - row lock contention Application
enq: TX – contention Application

Lock Modes

    #    Type   Name
    --- -------   ---------------------------  
      1   Null    Null
      2   SS      Sub share
      3   SX      Sub exclusive
      4   S       Share
      5   SSX     Share/sub exclusive
      6   X       Exclusive

In our analysis of locks and waits we are going to talk mainly about share locks, mode 4 and exclusive locks, mode 6. Since version 10g wait event names now have the name of the lock there is no longer a need to translate the name and we can just concentrate on translating the mode:

           mod(p1,16)  as "mode"
    from v$active_session_history
    where event like 'enq:%‘;

   EVENT                                 P1 mode
   ----------------------------- ---------- ----
   enq: TX - allocate ITL entry  1415053316    4
   enq: TX - row lock contention 1415053318    6
   enq: TX - row lock contention 1415053316    4

Mining ASH

         TX locks
   col file# for 99999
   col block# for 999999
   col obj for a18
   col type for a9
   col lm for 99
   col bsid for 9999
   select        count(*) cnt, 
                 session_id sid,
                 substr(event,1,30) event, 
                 mod(p1,16)  as lm,
                 CURRENT_OBJ# || ' ' || object_name obj
               , o.object_type type
               , CURRENT_FILE# file#
               , CURRENT_BLOCK#  block#
               , blocking_session bsid
    from v$active_session_history ash,
         all_objects o
            event  like 'enq: T%'
      and o.object_id (+)= ash.current_obj#
   order by  count(*)

   cnt SID EVENT               LM SQL_ID        OBJ TYPE  F# BLOCK#  BSID
   --- --- ------------------- -- ------------- --- ----- -- ------- ----
   307 127 enq: TX - row lock   6 6yzrt1vdqrfn1 FOO TABLE  6  10541  148
   307 128 enq: TX - row lock   6 6yzrt1vdqrfn1 FOO TABLE  6  10541  148
   307 125 enq: TX - row lock   6 6yzrt1vdqrfn1 FOO TABLE  6  10541  148
   307 126 enq: TX - row lock   6 6yzrt1vdqrfn1 FOO TABLE  6  10541  148

         TXI, like above but get index type as well, if an index is involved in the lock
   col file# for 99999
   col block# for 999999
   col obj for a18
   col type for a15
   select    substr(event,1,30) event, sql_id,
             CURRENT_OBJ# || ' ' || object_name obj
           , o.object_type type
           , CURRENT_FILE# file#
           , CURRENT_BLOCK#  block#
    from v$active_session_history ash,
             ( select a.object_name, 
                      decode(a.object_type,'INDEX',i.index_type||' '||'INDEX',a.object_type) object_type
               from all_objects a, all_indexes i where 
               a.owner=i.owner(+) and a.object_name=i.index_name(+) ) o
            event  like 'enq: TX%'
      and o.object_id (+)= ash.current_obj#
    order by sample_time

Part II: User Locks

TX - Transaction Lock

Mode 6: Modifying same row

Mode 4: several reasons

TM - Table Modification

Mode 4: Unindexed Foreign Key

UL - User Lock

How a TX lock happens

Tx how it works.PNG

TX = Transaction = Wait on UNDO
Mode 6 (exclusive)
modification of a row lock
Mode 4 (share)
Index block spilt
Unique Index Key enforcement
Foreign key enforcement
ITL space waits
Bitmap chunk conflicts
Alter tablespace … read only;
Free Lists slot waits
Possible with two phase commit

TX mode 6 is straight forward, just two sessions trying to change the same data
TX mode 4 has many reasons and historically has been hard to diagnose, but now in 10g Oracle had broken down TX locks in to these sub types:
  • enq: TX - row lock contention
o pk or unique index violation
o fk violation
o bitmap chunk wait
o others ?
  • enq: TX - allocate ITL entry
o Wait on an ITL slot
  • enq: TX - index contention
o Index block split
  • enq: TX - contention
o Wait for a data file extension
o Alter tbs read only
o others?
(NOTE: that "enq: TX - row lock contention" can happen in both mode 6, the typical case, or mode 4 which is shown above)

enq: TX - row lock contention , mode 6

User1 User 2
delete from toto where id =1;
delete from toto where id=1;

--> wait till Use 1 commits or rollbacks

enq: TX - row lock contention , mode 4

Mode 4, happens for 3 reasons
1. Unique key contention
2. Foreign Key contention
3. Bitmap index contention

enq: TX - row lock contention, mode 4, unique index

user 1 user 2
create table p (n number);

create unique index p_i on p(n);

insert into p values(2);
insert into p values (2);

enq: TX - row lock contention, mode 4, foreign key

user 1 user 2
create table parent (
id number primary key);

create table child (

id number references parent,
name varchar2(20));
insert into p values(2);
insert into child values (2,88);

enq: TX - row lock contention, mode 4, bitmap indexes

Bitmaps are compressed
Changes to the same bitmap cause locks
user 1 user 2
create table t1 (
n1 number(4),
n2 number(4));
insert into t1
select 1, rownum
from all_objects
where rownum <= 400;
commit; create bitmap index i1
on t1(n1);
update t1 set n1 = 2 where n2 = 12;
update t1 set n1 = 2 where n2 = 13;

Different rows but same key value.

Tx bitmap.PNG

Three types of TX row contention mode 4 as seen from ASH data:

   Unique Index
   ST    EVENT                  SID  LM     P2   P3 OBJ   OTYPE  FN BLOCKN SQL_ID         BSID
   ----- ---------------------- --- --- ------ ---- ----- ----- --- ------ -------------- ----
   10:39 enq: TX - row lock c   141   4 655406 6672 -1            0      0 bjvx94vnxtxgv   158
   10:39 enq: TX - row lock c   141   4 655406 6672 -1            0      0 bjvx94vnxtxgv   158
   10:39 enq: TX - row lock c   141   4 655406 6672 -1            0      0 bjvx94vnxtxgv   158
   10:39 enq: TX - row lock c   141   4 655406 6672 -1            0      0 bjvx94vnxtxgv   158
   Foreign Key  (
   ST    EVENT                  SID  LM     P2   P3 OBJ   OTYPE  FN BLOCKN SQL_ID         BSID
   ----- ---------------------- --- --- ------ ---- ----- ----- --- ------ -------------- ----
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   144   4 179681 7074 CHILD TABLE   1  60954 ahm7c9rupbz9r   1
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   144   4 179681 7074 CHILD TABLE   1  60954 ahm7c9rupbz9r   1
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   144   4 179681 7074 CHILD TABLE   1  60954 ahm7c9rupbz9r   1
   Bitmap Index
   ST    EVENT                  SID  LM     P2   P3 OBJ   OTYPE  FN BLOCKN SQL_ID         BSID
   ----- ---------------------- --- --- ------ ---- ----- ----- --- ------ -------------- ----
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   143   4 966081 4598 I1    INDEX   0      0 azav296xxqcjx   144
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   143   4 966081 4598 I1    INDEX   0      0 azav296xxqcjx   144
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   143   4 966081 4598 I1    INDEX   0      0 azav296xxqcjx   144
   10:41 enq: TX - row lock c   143   4 966081 4598 I1    INDEX   0      0 azav296xxqcjx   144

enq: TX - allocate ITL entry

Tx bitmap.PNG

create table itl (
id number,
data varchar2(20)
pctfree 0
initrans 1
insert into itl select rownum,'a' from all_objects
where rownum < 2000;
session 1: update itl set data=data where id=1;
session 2: update itl set data=data where id=2;
session 3: update itl set data=data where id=3;
session 4: update itl set data=data where id=4;
session 5: update itl set data=data where id=5;

enq: TX - index contention

   Seems to be caused by index block splits.
   for some ideas on how to generate this wait to look at it more

enq: TX - contention

"enq: TX - contention" seems to be the trash bucket for all other TX contention issues and seems to be used when sessions are waiting on other sessions who are blocked some issues:
Data File Extension – waiter waiting for another session to extend file
Index Block Split – waiter waiting for another session to split the block

  • Setting Table space read only
    • Session 1 – start transaction, don’t commit
    • Session 2 – alter tablespace read only
  • Free Lists
    • Non-ASSM
    • Sessions freeing block
    • If no txs free lists available (min 16, grow up depending on block size) , pick one and wait TX 4
  • 2PC – two phase commit
    • First does a prepare the commit
    • Any read or write access in the intervening time waits TX 4

enq: TM - contention

TX locks have a corresponding TM lock TM locks the structure from change

LOCK Parmeter1 Parmeter2(ID1) Parameter3(ID2)
enq: TM mode object # table/partition

(1) To many truncate requests

(2) Unindexed FKs

(3) Bitmap indexes on the table (low possibility; but possibility nonetheless)

- Anup Nanda

(4) direct mode insert, or insert /*+ append */ which will take TM enqueue in exclusive mode. If the transaction doesn't commit, you could see a whole bunch of sessions stack up behind it. - Mark Bobak

enq: UL - contention

Part III: Internal locks


enq: CF - contention


Mark Bobak: Event 10359, set to level 1, stops update of the control file with invalidation redo is stopped. See MetaLink Doc ID 1058851.6 for more details. (And yes, Steve's website also discusses it.) . from :

  • CF enqueues are control file enqueues, which occur during parallel access to the control file. Actions that make it necessary to access the control file can be for example, BEGIN BACKUP, redolog archiving by an ARCH process, or a logfile switch by the LGWR process. If a CF enqueue is requested within a period of 15 minutes without success, ORA-00600 [2103] occurs, and the Oracle instance may terminate (see Note 658744)..
In "checkpoint not complete" situations (Note 79341), the LGWR process may wait for a long time for the CF enqueue. This is a follow-on problem. The "checkpoint not complete" situations that cause this problem must be corrected (Note 793113).
See Note 658744, which contains possible causes and solutions for CF enqueues and the ORA-00600 [2103] that are triggered by it.
CF enqueue waits may also occur during an Archiver stuck (Note 391) since in such cases the ARCH process may hold the CF enqueue for a long time. In this case, CF enqueue are only a follow-on problem; after you solve the Archiver stuck situation, the enqueue waits will also disappear

enq: CI - Cross Instance

Indicative of high incremental checkpointing and waiting on blocks being checkpinted - increase fast_start_mttr_target

enq: HW - contention

. High Water- contention on moving up the high water mark - move object to ASSM or add freelists . .

enq: KO - fast object checkpoint

. used by PQO to clear out any relavent information from the cache before doing a direct read on the objects . .

enq: RO - fast object reuse

reusable object- clearing cache for object drop/reuse, use gtt if possible, tune DBWR

enq: SQ - contention

. . . .

enq: ST - contention

. . . .


Part IV: Old Methods


Top 5 Timed Events
                                                         Avg  %Total
                                                         wait   Call
   Event                            Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time
   -------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------
   Enqueue                              42         126   3000   96.5
   CPU time                                          4           2.8
   db file sequential read             165           1      4     .4
   control file sequential read        214           0      1     .1
   log file switch completion            2           0     40     .1

Statspack is INSUFFICIENT, missing
  • Who is waiting
  • Who is blocking
  • What kind of lock (type and mode)
  • What they are blocked on (object)

Statspack 10g
   5 Timed Events                                   Avg %Total
                                                   wait   Call
   Event                          Waits Time (s)   (ms)   Time
   ----------------------------- ------ -------- ------ ------
   enq: TX - row lock contention     42      126   3000   96.5
   CPU time                                    4           2.8
   db file sequential read          165        1      4     .4
   control file sequential read     214        0      1     .1
   log file switch completion         2        0     40     .1

10g better because statspack now tells lock name, still missing
  • Who is waiting
  • Who is blocking
  • What kind of lock
  • What they are blocked on

Other Resources .