ELC Quick Start

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AppWave ELC - Enterprise License Center 5.3 - First time setup

If you have not yet installed ELC, download the ELC installer for your operating system here:

IMPORTANT NOTE: When installing ELC on Windows Server 2012 OS, use the installer in compatibility mode. To use compatibility mode:

  1. right-click on the ELC installer executable, open Properties dialog
  2. open Compatibility tab, select ‘Windows 7’ (version 2012) or 'Windows 8' (version 2012 R2), click ‘OK’ button

Make sure all ports for communication with ELC are open

Default port Port Use Description


Client-server communication

Port used by license server to communicate with client products


Web admin

Port required to access ELC Web Admin for license and user management


Remote Admin

Port required when accessing Admin page from a remote machine


Catalog downloader port


  • Make sure these ports are open
  • If any of these ports are blocked inside your company’s network, contact your IT department to open them.
  • If specific port cannot be open, use another port. You may modify ports in the ELC Admin Configuration Properties page or directly in the file <ELC_install>\LicenseCenter\conf\elise.properties, and restart ELC.

Open ELC Admin page

  • ELC Admin page opens automatically in the default Web browser.
  • You can also open it from any supported Web browser by entering: <machine name>:port/loginAdmin.jsp, for example: localhost:5580/loginAdmin.jsp
  • Log in as username admin with the password of admin

Use Setup Wizard to setup licenses, product catalog, users, groups, and notifications

  • Select Master server on Profile selection page
  • Setup licenses on the License Hosting page.
    • Enter login, password and certificate number found in your License Certificate email. License Certificate email was sent from Embarcadero-licensing to the license holder upon placing the order.
      That e-mail has the title "Embarcadero License Certificate #xxxxxx" where xxxxxx is your certificate number.
    • Enter hostname or IP address of the server as Master host address. IMPORTANT: Master host address is how your client machines find your server. Specifying a static IP address of the server is a common and good practice here.
    • Click the "Host Licenses" button.
    • In case of an error, you may use an alternate hosting mechanism. Go to https://reg.codegear.com/srs6/el/login.jsp and follow instructions there.
  • Setup users and groups on the Users and Groups page. You can enter users and groups manually or load them from your company's LDAP server
    • If you have Concurrent licenses, setting up users and groups is optional. By default, all users are allowed to share concurrent licenses.
    • If you have Named User licenses, setting up users is mandatory. Each user has to have Named User license assigned in order to use installed product. Groups are optional.
  • Once users and groups are setup, assign licenses to them at the next two pages: Named User licenses and/or Concurrent licenses
  • Setup email notifications to yourself or other ELC administrators. ELC email is triggered upon specific events to notify administrators about status or required action. Save settings to file by clicking Save to File button.
  • On Invite users page use default or custom text and invite end users to download products and licenses from end user facing ELC page <machine name>:port/login.jsp, e.g. localhost:5580/login.jsp


  • There are two default accounts created during installation.
    • User = admin Password = admin / User = viewer Password = viewer
  • For complete setup instructions, please refer to the Administrator’s Guide at http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/ELC/53/en/Main_Page
  • In case of issues with ELC, check the logs at <ELC install>\LicenseCenter\logs\ and the troubleshooting document at http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/ELC/53/en/Troubleshooting_the_client
  • Master/Backup configuration – A master/backup server configuration requires two servers running 24/7 initially. Failover happens only when master server does not respond. If you wish to set up master/backup server configuration, install ELC on your backup server at the same time as the master. Switching between single server and master/backup configuration at a later point will require assistance from Embarcadero Support.
  • If problems persist, contact Embarcadero Support at http://www.embarcadero.com/support Please be sure to provide certificate number(s), the exact error message, log files, and behavior. ELC logs are located at to <ELC install>\LicenseCenter\logs directory. Our support technicians may request administrative access to the server in order to troubleshoot the problem.