CSV File Import
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You can import large amounts of data in the Comma Separated Value file into ER/Studio BA. You can import the following:
- Reference Objects
- Business Elements
- Business Rules
- Business Units
- Stewards
By using pre-existing templates, you can input data into a comma separated value file and then import it into the application. A template exists for each object available in ...:\Program Files \IDERA \ERStudio Business Architect X.X\samples \CSV\Templates. You can open these templates in Microsoft Excel or any text editor to enter data.
Importing a CSV File
- 1 On the main menu, select File > Import > Comma Separated Values (CSV)… and the Object Type and File Location dialog opens.
- 2 Select the object type you want imported. Your options are Business Elements, Business Entities, Business Rules, Business Units, Stewards, Subject Areas, and Tasks.
- 3 Browse to the file location where the CSV file to be imported is located and select your file.
- 4 You can import CSV files with or without headers. If the file you are importing has headers, select the “First line in file is header” option.
- Caution: If you do not select this option and your file has headers, your first row will be imported as data. For example if your headers were Name, Data Type, Description, and Notes, when the file is imported, your first row of data would be the Name, Data, Type, Description and Notes. This may cause errors because the import values will be invalid.
- 5 Click Next.
- 6 If you are importing Tasks, the Pool and Diagram Selection dialog opens. If you are importing Subject Areas or Entities, the Model and Diagram Selection dialog opens. This allows you to select a diagram on which elements appear.
- 7 If there are elements that exist with the same name the Possible Duplicate Elements dialog opens. You can choose to create a new element with a unique name or update the existing element. When updating existing elements the following will occur: (1) Elements in the project having corresponding objects in the import are updated with new information; and (2) Objects in the import without corresponding elements in the project are added to the project as new elements.
- 8 If there are problems with the import, a Problems in File dialog opens. A table lists any errors, warnings, or information, as well as the line number of the problem.
- Click Launch Editor to open the application associated with the CSV extension, where you can view and correct any problems.
- Once you have corrected the problem click Revalidate.
- 9 If the import is successful, an Import Summary dialog opens displaying all the records that have been imported.
- 10 Click Finish and a CSV Import Complete notification dialog opens telling you how many elements were created in ER/Studio BA.
- 11 Once you close the notification dialog, the imported elements are placed under the appropriate node in the Model View tree, and on the associated diagram.
- If you are importing reference objects, once you close the notification dialog, the imported elements are placed under the appropriate Reference Object node in the Model View tree.
- If you are importing Tasks, they are placed in a model and on a diagram, if you selected one. You will be prompted where to place them on the next page of the Import Wizard.
- 12 You can then drag these elements on to an existing diagram. When you double-click on an element, the Property View for that element opens displaying the imported data.
Importing Tasks
When you import a task, you must place the imported tasks in either an existing pool or create a new one.
- 1 After you have completed the Object Type and File Location dialog, click Next and the Pool and Diagram Selection dialog opens.
- 2 If you chose to use an existing pool, click Next and the Lane and Diagram Selection dialog opens where you must select a lane in a model to contain the created elements.
- Select a Lane from the hierarchy.
- Select “Add elements to a diagram” if you want the newly imported element added to the diagram.
- Select an existing diagram and click Next.
- If elements are found with the same name, the Possible Duplicate Elements dialog opens.
- 3 If you chose to create a new pool you must enter the name of the new pool.
- Click Next and the Model and Diagram Selection dialog opens. You must select the model where the elements should be created.
- Click Add elements to a diagram if you want the imported tasks to appear in a diagram. You have two options: (1) You can create a new diagram (the default name of the new diagram is the new pool name); or (2) You can use an existing diagram from the list box.
- 4 Click Next and the Import Summary dialog opens displaying the name and description of the imported elements.
- 5 Click Finish. If you selected the option to add elements to a diagram, that diagram opens with the imported tasks. If you did not select this option, the imported elements are added to the Model View tree and a dialog opens telling you how many elements were imported.
Importing Business Entities and Subject Areas
Business Entities and Subject Areas are imported using a slightly different wizard. It is similar to importing tasks but you are not required to place the entities or subject areas in a pool. Also, the imported elements are automatically added to a diagram.
- 1 On the main menu, select File > Import > Comma Separated Values (CSV)… and the CSV Import Wizard opens.
- 2 Select the object type. In this case select either Subject Areas or Business Entities.
- 3 Browse to the file location where the CSV file to be imported is located and select your file.
- 4 You can import CSV files with or without headers. If the file you are importing has headers, select the “First line in file is header” option.
- Caution: If you do not select this option and your file has headers, your first row will be imported as data. For example if your headers were Name, Data Type, Description, and Notes, when the file is imported, your first row of data would be the Name, Data, Type, Description and Notes. This may cause errors because the import values will be invalid.
- 5 In the Model and Diagram Selection dialog, select the model or diagram to contain the imported elements.
- 6 Click Add elements to a diagram if you want the imported element to appear in a diagram. You have two options: (1) You can create and name a new diagram; or (2) You can use an existing diagram from the list box.
- 7 If there are elements that exist with the same name the Possible Duplicate Elements dialog opens. You can choose to create a new element with a unique name or update the existing element. When updating existing elements the following will occur: (1) Elements in the project having corresponding objects in the import are updated with new information; and (2) Objects in the import without corresponding elements in the project are added to the project as new elements.
- 8 If there are problems with the import, a Problems in File dialog opens. A table lists any errors, warnings, or information, as well as the line number of the problem.
- Click Launch Editor to open the application associated with the CSV extension, where you can view and correct any problems.
- Once you have corrected the problem click Revalidate.
- 9 Click Next and the Import Summary dialog opens displaying the name and description of the imported elements which will be created in the model.
- 10 Click Finish. If you selected the option to add elements to a diagram, that diagram opens with the imported tasks. If you did not select this option, the imported elements are added to the Model View tree and a dialog opens telling you how many elements were imported.