Edit Diagrams

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When you select Diagram on the main menu, you gain access to four commands that help you edit diagrams:

Case Shift

You can set the case format for all element labels. When you make a selection, all labels in the diagram conform to the new selection. You have three options:

Command Description

Lower Case

All text appears in lower case lettering, including the initial letter of the label.

Preserve Case

All text appears as it was entered for the label.

Upper Case

All text appears in upper case lettering.


Rather than guessing at the alignment of your elements, you can use the lines of the grid as a guide. The grid, which you can turn on or off, is a network of lines that covers your diagram. The Snap Objects to Grid command is a toggle command that you can turn on or off as well.

Command Description

Show Grid Lines

Select this command and grid lines appear in the diagram. You can change the preferences so that the appearance of grid lines is the default setting for the application.   The grid also displays in a pool, sub-process, or subject area. You can change the preferences for this so the grid lines don’t display.

Show Parent Objects as Transparent

When a parent object such as a pool, lane, or subject area is placed on a diagram, the grid lines appear in the object. You can change the preferences to make it the default setting.

Snap Objects to Grid

Changes the default setting so that when an element is moved, it snaps to the nearest grid.This feature is active whether the grid lines are showing or not.   You can change the preferences so that the snap to grid action is the default setting for the application.


When you change this setting you get a Change Diagram Layout dialog warning you that this selection overrides any changes you have made to individual relationships. For example, if the setting was elbowed when you created your diagram and you then change to straight, all connections are changed to the selected layout style.

Command Description


All connections are drawn with ninety degree bends in the line. This is the default setting.


All connections are drawn as the shortest distance between the two elements you are connecting.


Once you have created a link in the Diagram View, select this command to show or hide the links for all the object in the diagram.