Installing ER/Studio Business Architect
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The ER/Studio Business Architect wizard-based installation guides you quickly through the product installation process. This section explains the Installation Wizard and covers some basic decisions you must make during installation. You must have administrative privileges to run the install.
Note: If you have a previous version of ER/Studio Business Architect installed, we recommend that you uninstall it before installing the latest version of ER/Studio Business Architect. However, you can run both versions because the new version will install in its own directory.
Using the Installation Wizard
The ER/Studio Business Architect Installation Wizard automatically starts when you insert your DVD or double-click your downloaded executable file. If you are installing from DVD and the installation does not start automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the file setup.exe
, at the root of the DVD directory.
Note: When installing on Windows 7, the installer must be run in Windows XP or Windows Vista compatibility mode.
Once the install starts, there may be a brief period of time when nothing appears to be happening. The runtime environment is being initialized.
View the ER/Studio Business Architect's Software License and Support Agreement by clicking the license terms link in the window. Check I agree to the license terms and conditions, and then click Install to continue the installation process. Installation cannot continue without checking the box indicating that you agree to the license terms.
The Options button allows you to access the Setup Options window where you can select to use the default directory, change the existing directory, or create a new directory. Once you make your selection, click OK to return to the licensing agreement window.
Note: The default directory is
x:\Program Files\IDERA\ERStudio Business Architect X.X.X
Note: The installation may take several minutes. A progress screen displays what files are being installed and the percentage of completion.
Once setup is complete, a successful message appears. Click Launch to open ER/Studio Business Architect.