Introducing ER/Studio Business Architect
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ER/Studio Business Architect (ER/Studio BA) is a tool for creating a graphical representation of your business -- from the core concepts that describe the business, to the processes that run the business. ER/Studio BA's Process Modeling capabilities allow you to easily model your business processes and how those processes use data. ER/Studio BA Conceptual Modeling provides an intuitive way to outline subject areas and concepts that can then drive the creation of detailed data models.
Through robust reporting, modeling, and graphical impact analysis, users are able to provide relevant information to various stakeholders within the organization in a format that makes sense to them. For example, a data analyst may wish to see a CRUD (usage) report showing what data is used by a given process for compliance. A business user may want to see a list of relevant business rules in a spreadsheet. A process modeler needs to see a semantically-rich process model. ER/Studio BA allows each stakeholder to see a different "slice" of information, all from the same data source and metadata model.
Product Benefits by Audience
Business Process Modelers/Analysts
ER/Studio Business Architect provides a rich process modeling semantic based on the Object Management Group's (OMG) Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). In addition, modelers and analysts can link their business process models with related business information such as business rules, stewardship, and data to generate impact analysis and usage (CRUD) reports.
Data Modelers
ER/Studio Business Architect's Conceptual modeling allows Data Modelers to create a high-level design of the core business concepts to gain acceptance and requirements from the business. These high-level Conceptual models can be forward and reverse engineered with detailed Logical Data Models in ER/Studio.
ER/Studio Business Architect also allows data modelers to relate data objects to business process information, and create Usage (CRUD) and impact analysis reports. In addition to process-specific information, data can also be related to business information such as business rules, stewardship, and business units.
Business Users
Conceptual Modeling allows Business Users to create high-level designs of the core "concepts" and subject areas that drive the business, which can be passed onto data and process modelers to drive more detailed logical and physical design.
ER/Studio Business Architect also provides intuitive reporting and export capabilities to provide relevant information to business users in an easy-to-understand format. Intuitive impact analysis diagrams and reports allow business users to get an understanding of the relationship between business information and key IT assets such as data, without having to be a modeling or programming expert. Information can be shared with business users in formats they are familiar with: Excel spreadsheets, HTML reports, PDF files, etc.