Session 18: Using the Web Report

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You can create a Web report which gives you the ability to visually explore your ER/Studio Business Architect projects, models, diagrams, and elements via the web browser. You can generate separate web reports for individual models as well as individual diagrams.

  1. From the main menu select Tools > Reports > Web Report… and a Web Report wizard opens. All nodes in the open workspace are selected. For purposes of this example, we will leave it as is.
  2. Click Next to open the Object Type Selection dialog. Deselect the Shapes objects to exclude them from the report and click Next.
  3. On the Select Report Location dialog, select the directory where you want the generated report to be stored. Leave the default setting. The “Launch report upon completion” option is selected by default. Leave this setting as is, and click Next.
  4. Click Finish and an HTML report is generated for all your selected items. The first page of the report displays a cover sheet with your report details. A tree containing the workspace and all projects, models, diagrams, and all elements in the workspace is displayed on the left side of the report.
    Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote: You may get a security message telling you that your computer is blocking access to active content files. Click once in the yellow bar with the warning icon (ERSt0131.png ) and select Allow Blocked Content from the menu. Click Yes once again to close the Security Warning dialog.
  5. You can view properties of objects by expanding the tree and clicking on the object. If you click on a diagram node, the graphical representation of the diagram opens in the browser.
  6. If you click on an object, for example the “Customers” Business Entity object, two tables are generated, one showing the details; and the second showing the attributes in that Business Entity.
    Click on the Attribute’s hyperlinks to open the page displaying the details for each.

Proceed to Session 19: Using ER/Studio Business Architect Tools