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Most problems can be solved by updating your current software. Before troubleshooting, it is advised that you ensure your system is fully up to date.

Repository Errors

In some cases it makes sense for users to keep a backup copy of a dm1 file. However, if users perform repository operations on more than one copy of the file at a time it could lead to check-in failures. The following options are some best practices for situations where it is necessary to keep a backup copy of a .dm1 file:

  1. Create a folder on your hard drive specifically for .dm1 file backups. For example, add a folder named Backups under your Active Directory folder.
  2. When making a backup copy, use Windows Explorer to move or copy the current file into the backup directory. If you plan on doing a "clean" get to retrieve the entire diagram from the repository, use move so that your local diagram is not in the Active Files directory.
  3. If you need to merge changes from a backup into the current copy of the diagram, make sure no repository operations are done on the backup copy. Complete the merge and close the backup copy before beginning the check-in procedure.

See Also