Checking out the Data Dictionary

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Go Up to Working with Data Dictionaries in the Repository

The Check Out operation lets you copy the latest version of a Data Dictionary or a Data Dictionary object so you can modify them.

  1. On the Data Model Explorer, select the Data Dictionary tab and then click the target data dictionary object.
  2. Choose Repository > Data Dictionary > Check Out Data Dictionary Object.


  • You can check out an entire data dictionary from the repository.
  • You can check out an individual data dictionary object. If the data dictionary object is not bound to any attributes, you can check out or check in the data dictionary object without affecting the diagram. If the data dictionary object is bound to an attribute, and changes to the data dictionary object affect the attribute, then the attribute is marked for a delayed check out.
  • The repository check out operation is the same for data dictionaries and data dictionary objects. The menu depends on what you select in the Data Model Explorer.
  • You can check out a data dictionary or data dictionary objects with 'exclusive' rights. This restricts any other user from checking out the data dictionary or data dictionary objects while you have either or both checked out, and means that you are the only who modify them and submit data to the Repository. When you check out something exclusively, other users have read-only and/or 'Delayed Check Out' access while the objects are checked out.
  • If the data dictionary's objects are not bound to any attributes, you can check out the data dictionary without affecting the diagram.
  • If the data dictionary object is bound to an attribute, and changes to the data dictionary object affect the attribute, then the attribute is marked for a delayed check out.

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