Determining Who has an Object Checked Out

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Go Up to Working with Objects in the Repository

At any time while logged in to the Repository, you can see who has any part of a diagram checked out; this includes viewing the checkout status of everything from attributes to submodels and data dictionaries to entire diagrams, and everything in between.

  1. Open a Repository diagram and then log in to the Repository.
  2. On the Data Model, Data Dictionary, Data Lineage, or Macros tab, navigate to the object you want to investigate.
  3. Right-click the object and then click Version History .
  4. On the Version History dialog, click CheckOut Status.

ER Studio Data Architect queries the Repository for the latest status. The following describes the fields of the dialog that require additional explanation:

  • User Name: The Repository login ID of the user who has the object checked out.
  • Machine Name: The name of the computer, as defined in the Windows System Properties, that was used when the object was checked out.

See Also