Zend Components

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The Zend Components are a group of components wrapping features of the Zend Framework.


A lightweight and flexible access control list (ACL) implementation for privileges management.
ZAuth.png ZAuth
An authentication system based on dispatchers (which allows different mechanism to be used interchangeably).
ZAuthDB.png ZAuthDB
An adapter for authentication against a database to be used with ZAuth.
ZAuthDigest.png ZAuthDigest
An adapter for authentication against a plain-text file to be used with ZAuth.
ZCache.png ZCache
A cache system for any data.
ZMail.png ZMail
A mail delivery system with interchangeable transport methods.
ZMailTransportSMTP.png ZMailTransportSMTP
An SMTP transport method to be used with ZMail.
ZMailTransportSendmail.png ZMailTransportSendmail
A Sendmail transport method to be used with ZMail.
ZCaptcha.png ZCaptcha
A CAPTCHA system, to help you tell human and computer submissions apart.
ZBarcode.png ZBarcode
A barcode generation system, with different barcode formats and rendering methods.
ZCurrency.png ZCurrency
A currency management system that handles currency internationalization, exchange services and calculations.
ZDate.png ZDate
A date and time manipulation system.
ZFile.png ZFile
A file management system, to handle uploads and downloads.
ZFeedReader.png ZFeedReader
A feed parser to read any feed format and work with its data.
ZFeedWriter.png ZFeedWriter
A feed generator to output data as a feed in any format.
ZPubSubHubBubPublisher.png ZPubSubHubBubPublisher
A Pubsubhubbub publisher to notify hubs about feed updates.
ZPubSubHubBubSubscriber.png ZPubSubHubBubSubscriber
A Pubsubhubbub subscriber to get hubs notifications about feed updates.
ZGDataAuth.png ZGDataAuth
A Google Data authentication interface.
ZGDataCalendar.png ZGDataCalendar
A Google Calendar interface.
ZGDataDocs.png ZGDataDocs
A Google Docs interface.
ZGDataYoutube.png ZGDataYoutube
A Youtube interface.
ZGDataHealth.png ZGDataHealth
A Google HEalth interface.
ZGDataSpreadsheets.png ZGDataSpreadsheets
A Google Spreadsheets interface.
ZGDataPhotos.png ZGDataPhotos
A Picasa Web Albums interface.
ZGDataBooks.png ZGDataBooks
A Google Books interface.
ZGDataApps.png ZGDataApps
A Google Apps interface.
ZOAuth.png ZOAuth
An OAuth authentication system.
ZRegistry.png ZRegistry
A data container where you can storage objects and variables that will be accessible from your whole PHP application.
ZJson.png ZJson
A JSON parser.
ZHttp.png ZHttp
An HTTP requests interface.
ZJsonServer.png ZJsonServer
A JSON-RPC server implementation.
ZRestServer.png ZRestServer
A REST server implementation.
ZRestClient.png ZRestClient
A REST client implementation.
ZOpenIdConsumer.png ZOpenIdConsumer
An OpenID authentication system.
ZOpenIdConsumerStorageDB.png ZOpenIdConsumerStorageDB
A database-based OpenID internal storage system to store information between OpenID authentication procedure requests.
ZOpenIdConsumerStorageFile.png ZOpenIdConsumerStorageFile
A file-based OpenID internal storage system to store information between OpenID authentication procedure requests.
ZOpenIdProvider.png ZOpenIdProvider
An OpenID server implementation.
ZOpenIdProviderStorageDB.png ZOpenIdProviderStorageDB
A database-based OpenID internal storage system to store OpenID server information.
ZOpenIdProviderStorageFile.png ZOpenIdProviderStorageFile
A file-based OpenID internal storage system to store OpenID server information.
ZOpenIdProviderUserSession.png ZOpenIdProviderUserSession
An OpenID server authentication system.
ZMarkup.png ZMarkup
A markup text parser which converts markup text into a token tree.
ZLog.png ZLog
A general purpose logging system.
ZPdf.png ZPdf
A PDF manipulation engine.