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There are several step-by-step tutorials for HTML5 Builder available.


Hello World

These tutorials cover the development of a simple application that displays the message “Hello, world!”.

Client Mobile Hello World
Developemnt of a basic client mobile application.
Server Mobile Hello World
Developemnt of a basic server mobile application.
Client Web Hello World
Developemnt of a basic client web application.
Server Web Hello World
Developemnt of a basic server web application.
Component Hello World
Developemnt of a basic component that can be used within your HTML5 Builder applications.


The Shopping List
Development of a server mobile application to keep a list in sync with a MySQL database, with the ability to add, modify and delete items.
Where It Was
Development of a server mobile application to keep a list of locations, and display them on a map when requested.


Avoiding Simple Errors
Showcase of the basic HTML5 Builder feautres to avoid simple errors.
Basic Debugging
Introduction to the debugger.
Breakpoints and Watches
Usage of breakpoints and watches when debugging.
Locating Bottlenecks
Introduction to the profiler.

See Also