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The MLink component is a link that looks like an MButton.



The MLink component has a property, NoAjax, to determine whether the linked page is loaded using AJAX or not (it does by default).

Loading a page using AJAX means that:

  1. The content of the target page is asynchronously loaded into the current page (into the DOM), in the background, and without displaying yet the loaded data. On the user’s eyes, the page will remain the same during this process, it won’t be reloaded or changed in any way.
  2. Then, the current content of the page will be hidden while the content of the target page is displayed. A transition effect between the two pages will be played during the process.

As a result, the user will get the content of the second page, and in the background, the content of both pages will be available. This method is not only more user-friendly, but also faster when you navigate back to a page (since it is already loaded into the current DOM).

To prevent this behavior, set the NoAjax property to true. Then, the target page will be loaded normally, as with standard webpages.

Using AJAX or not for page navigation might have an effect on the deployment process. Check Key Project Types, Distribution Methods for additional information.

Client-side Features

DOM Elements

The component generates the following client-side DOM elements:

  • Wrapper (HTMLDivElement). Full web browser support. Access it with $("#ComponentName_outer").get()[0].
    • Main element (HTMLAnchorElement). Full web browser support. Access it with: $("#ComponentName").get()[0].

Client-side Events

Documented in the RPCL Reference.

Server-side Features

Properties, Methods and Events

Documented in the RPCL Reference.