InterBase ToGo Test Deployment Licenses

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The test deployment licenses enable InterBase ToGo on your test deployment machines, not just your development machine. These licenses are only for testing and not actual deployment or production. You must purchase deployment licenses to deploy InterBase ToGo or use it in production.

How would I use an InterBase ToGo Test Deployment License?

Assume that you use Windows 32 bit for your RAD development. When you install RAD Studio XE7 (other than the starter edition), you use the included InterBase ToGo license on this development machine. As you progress in your application development and are ready to test your application on Windows 64-bit, Mac OSX, and other Windows 32-bit machines, you can use the InterBase ToGo Test Deployment licenses to enable InterBase on these machines and test your InterBase application deployments.

How do I get InterBase ToGo Test Deployment Licenses?

If you purchased an eligible RAD Studio XE7 product, you should have the InterBase ToGo Test Deployment serial number included with your RAD Studio serial numbers.

If you received your RAD Studio serial numbers via email, you will find the InterBase ToGo Test Deployment serial number in the same email.

You must install RAD Studio XE7 before completing the following instructions:

  1. Go to and enter your InterBase ToGo Test Deployment Serial Number.
If you are a RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder XE7 user, enter the Registration Code: 737479.
All other users must enter the Registration Code they received from Embarcadero.
  1. Once you have confirmed that the serial number and registration code match select the option to download the activation file. This generates an activation file which can be downloaded or emailed to be included with your distribution.
    RAD Studio XE7 users should copy the downloaded file to the %PUBLIC%\InterBase\redist\InterBaseXE7 folder. Then follow the steps in the Deployment Wizard. RAD Studio XE7 no longer creates an IBREDISTDIR system environment variable.
    NOTE: %PUBLIC% is not a known path on XP, but RAD Studio XE7 does not support XP. However, %PUBLIC% is a known path on all operating systems supported by RAD Studio XE7. RAD Studio creates \InterBase\redist\InterBaseXE7 below %PUBLIC%, so the rest of the path will be known after the RAD Studio install is complete.
    RAD Studio XE4 users should copy the downloaded file to the %IBREDISTDIR% folder. Then follow the steps in the Deployment Wizard.
    For RAD Studio XE3 users, copy the activation file to the platform specific sub-folder of %IBREDISTDIR% folder.
  • To do this open a cmd.exe window and “cd” to the directory you downloaded the activation file to. Then execute the following commands:
copy reg*.txt
copy reg*.txt
copy reg*.txt
You might have to replace the reg*.txt with your specific filename in case the copy does not work.
  1. Save the activation file to a location of your choice. Depending on your platform choose one of the following files:
    • For an IBToGo license choose reg_ibtogo.text
    • For an IBLite license choose reg_iblite.txt
    • Otherwise, the activation file format is: regXXXX_XXXXXXXX.txt.
    Please make a note of the activation file name.

Now you are ready to use the Deployment project wizard in RAD Studio XE7, with InterBase ToGo.

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