Start the Local InterBase Server

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  1. To start the Local InterBase server running as an application on Windows, choose Start > Programs > Embarcadero InterBase XE7 [instance = gds_db] > InterBase Server Manager and the InterBase XE7 32 Manager dialog opens.
  2. This dialog shows the default Startup Mode, the root directory, and the status of the server. Click Start and the status changes to Running.
  3. Deselect the “Run the InterBase server as a Windows Service” and click Server Properties and additional information appears in the dialog showing the number of databases and attachments.
  4. Click Guardian Properties and a dialog opens showing the location, version, and action associated with the Guardian server. Close OK to close this dialog.
  5. To open IBConsole choose Start > Programs > Embarcadero InterBase XE7 [instance = gds_db] > IBConsole.

Note: To start Local InterBase as a service on a Windows NT platforms, click Administrative Tools > Services in the Control Panel, highlight the InterBase XE7 Guardian entry, and click Start.

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