Defines the BDE classes, functions, types, and constants. Note that BDE is deprecated. Please use newer database technologies, such as dBExpress and DataSnap.
Package | bdertl280.bpl |
EDBEngineError | EDBEngineError is the exception class for Borland Database Engine errors. |
ENoResultSet | ENoResultSet is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to open a dataset query. |
TBatchMove | TBatchMove performs database operations on groups of records or entire tables. |
TBDECallback | TBDECallback is a wrapper for a Borland Database Engine (BDE) callback function. |
TBDEDataSet | Encapsulates Borland Database Engine (BDE) functionality for descendant dataset objects. |
TBlobStream | TBlobStream is a stream object that provides services which allow applications to read from or write to field objects that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields. |
TDatabase | TDatabase provides discrete control over a connection to a single database in a BDE-based database application. |
TDataSetUpdateObject | TDataSetUpdateObject is a base class for update objects used to update otherwise unupdatable queries or stored procedures in applications that cache updates. |
TDBDataSet | TDBDataSet encapsulates database connectivity for descendant dataset objects. |
TDBError | TDBError represents Borland Database Engine errors for the EDBEngineError exception class. |
TIndexFiles | |
TNestedTable | TNestedTable encapsulates a dataset that is nested as a field within another table. |
TParamList | TParamList manages a list of session parameters. |
TQuery | TQuery represents a dataset with a result set that is based on an SQL statement. |
TSession | TSession provides global management of a group of database connections in an application. |
TSessionList | TSessionList manages one or more Borland Database Engine (BDE) sessions in a database application. |
TSQLUpdateObject | TSQLUpdateObject is the base class for classes that use an SQL command to apply cached updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that can't post updates directly. |
TStoredProc | TStoredProc encapsulates a stored procedure in a BDE-based application. |
TTable | TTable encapsulates a database table. |
TUpdateSQL | TUpdateSQL applies cached updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that can't post updates directly. |
AnsiToNative | Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. |
AnsiToNativeBuf | Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. |
Check | Determines whether a value returned from the Borland Database Engine (BDE) represents an error condition. |
DbiError | Creates and raises an EDBEngineError exception for an error code returned by the Borland Database Engine (BDE). |
GetFieldSource | |
NativeCompareStr | Compares strings based on a database locale case sensitively. |
NativeCompareStrBuf | Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale case sensitively. |
NativeCompareText | Compares strings based on a database locale without case sensitivity. |
NativeCompareTextBuf | Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale and is not case sensitive. |
NativeToAnsi | Converts a string from the character set of the given locale to the ANSI character set. |
NativeToAnsiBuf | Converts a string from the character set of a specified locale into the ANSI character set. |
RegisterBDEInitProc |
PKeyBuffer | |
PRecInfo | |
TBatchMode | TBatchMode indicates the type of batch operation to be performed on a database table. |
TBDECallbackEvent | |
TBDEInitProc | |
TBDEKeyBuffer | |
TBDERecInfo | |
TBlobDataArray | |
TConfigMode | |
TConfigModes | |
TDatabaseEvent | |
TDatabaseLoginEvent | |
TDatabaseNotifyEvent | |
TDBFlags | |
TFieldDescList | |
TIndexDescList | |
TIndexName | |
TLocale | TLocale is the type for the Locale or DBLocale property. |
TLockType | Indicates how a Paradox or dBASE table can be locked. |
TParamBindMode | |
TPasswordEvent | |
TRecNoStatus | |
TServerDesc | |
TServerDescList | |
TSPParamDescList | |
TTableType | |
TTraceFlag | |
TTraceFlags | TTraceFlags and TTraceFlags indicate the types of messages that pass between an application and the InterBase server. |
TTransIsolation | |
TValCheckList |
BlobTypeMap | |
DataTypeMap | |
FldSubTypeMap | |
FldTypeMap | |
GetObjectContextProc | |
Session | Maintains database components used by an application. |
Sessions | Provides access to TSessionList methods and properties. |
cmAll | cmAll: Set = [cfmVirtual..cfmSession]; |
cmPersistent | cmPersistent: Set = [cfmPersistent]; |
cmSession | cmSession: Set = [cfmSession]; |
cmVirtual | cmVirtual: Set = [cfmVirtual]; |
dbfDatabase | dbfDatabase: Integer = 9; |
dbfExecProc | dbfExecProc: Integer = 7; |
dbfExecSQL | dbfExecSQL: Integer = 2; |
dbfFieldList | dbfFieldList: Integer = 4; |
dbfIndexList | dbfIndexList: Integer = 5; |
dbfOpened | dbfOpened: Integer = 0; |
dbfPrepared | dbfPrepared: Integer = 1; |
dbfProcDesc | dbfProcDesc: Integer = 8; |
dbfProvider | dbfProvider: Integer = $A; |
dbfStoredProc | dbfStoredProc: Integer = 6; |
dbfTable | dbfTable: Integer = 3; |
smTraceBufSize | smTraceBufSize: Integer = $8006; |