function DeleteQueue(const QueueURL: string; ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil): Boolean;
bool __fastcall DeleteQueue(const System::UnicodeString QueueURL, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0));
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI.pas Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI.hpp |
Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI | TAmazonQueueService |
Deletes the queue with the given URL. The queue is marked for deletion and will not show up in queries, but there will be a short time before the server allows another queue with the same name to be created again.
Note that you must specify the QueueURL
, and not just the queue name when deleting. The queue URL is provided when calling ListQueues, and is a URL ending in the name of the queue.
DeleteQueue returns True if the deletion was successful, and False otherwise.
The following table shows the significance of the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
The URL of the queue to delete. |
The optional class for storing response info into. |