Contains classes that implement the API for using Microsoft Azure services.
Package | CloudService280.bpl |
ISignedIdentifier | |
TAzureAuthentication | Azure-specific implementation of TCloudSHA256Authentication . |
TAzureBlob | Blob of any supported type, with its common features. |
TAzureBlobService | Manager class for the Microsoft Azure Blob Service account. |
TAzureConnectionInfo | Azure extension of TCloudConnectionInfo . |
TAzureContainer | Represents a container for the Microsoft Azure Blob Service. |
TAzureQueueService | Manager class for a Microsoft Azure Table Service account. |
TAzureService | Abstract extension of the TCloudService class. |
TAzureTableService | Implementation of TAzureService. |
TBlobPolicy | Represents an access policy for a blob container. |
TPolicy | Base class for classes that represent an access policy. |
TQueuePolicy | Represents an access policy for a queue. |
TSignedIdentifier | Represents an access policy and the signed identifier that uniquely identifies that policy. |
TTablePolicy | Represents an access policy for a table. |
TAccessPolicy | Access policy information, specifying the allowed public operations. |
TAzureBlobDataset | |
TAzureBlobDatasets | |
TAzureBlobItem | |
TAzureBlobPageRange | Represents a page range, as returned by GetPageRegions . |
TAzureBlobType | Enumerates the types of Azure blobs. |
TAzureBlockListItem | A block item in a block blob. |
TAzureBlockType | The available block types for Azure block blobs. |
TAzureContainerItem | |
TAzureContainerLeaseActionMode | |
TAzureLeaseStatus | Enumerates the different states of an item that can be leased. |
TAzureQueryIncludeBlockType | Used when querying blocks to get all blocks or to refine, based on type. |
TBlobActionConditional | Record of optional conditional restrictions. |
TBlobPublicAccess | Options for container and blob public access restrictions. |