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function CreateParameter(const Name: WideString; DataType: TDataType;
Direction: TParameterDirection; Size: Integer; Value: OleVariant): TParameter;


TParameter* __fastcall CreateParameter(const System::WideString Name, Data::Db::TFieldType DataType, TParameterDirection Direction, int Size, const System::OleVariant &Value);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Win.ADODB TParameters


Adds a parameter to the collection.

Call CreateParameter to create a single TParameter object and add it to the TParameters collection. Property values for the newly added TParameter object are supplied through CreateParameter parameters.

Name is a WideString value containing the name of the newly created TParameter object.

DataType is a TDataType value indicating the data type of the parameter the new TParameter object represents.

Direction is a TParameterDirection value indicating the parameter type. A parameter represented by a TParameter may be any one of: input, output, input-output, return value. Designate a parameter as unknown if the parameter type is not known at the time the TParameter is created.

Size indicates the maximum size of the parameter's value.

Value is an OleVariant containing the parameter's value. A value needs not be passed for Value when the TParameter is created. It can be assigned later. If no value is assigned at this time, pass nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++) for Value.

ADOStoredProc1.CreateParameter('Parm1', ftString, pdInput, 10, NULL);

See Also