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function LocateRecord(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant;
Options: TLocateOptions; SyncCursor: Boolean): Boolean;


bool __fastcall LocateRecord(const System::UnicodeString KeyFields, const System::Variant &KeyValues, Data::Db::TLocateOptions Options, bool SyncCursor);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Datasnap.DBClient TCustomClientDataSet


Searches the dataset for a specified record.

Call LocateRecord to search a dataset for a specific record. KeyFields is a string containing a semicolon-delimited list of field names on which to search.

KeyValues is a Variant containing the values to match in the key fields. If KeyFields lists a single field, KeyValues represents the search value for that field. If KeyFields lists multiple fields, pass a Variant array as the KeyValues parameter. In Delphi, you can construct a variant array on the fly using the VarArrayOf routine. For example:

with CustTable do
LocateRecord('Company;Contact;Phone', VarArrayOf(['Sight Diver', 'P', '831-431-1000']), [loPartialKey], False);

TLocateOptions Opts;
Opts << loPartialKey;
Variant locvalues[3];
locvalues[0] = Variant("Sight Diver");
locvalues[1] = Variant("P");
locvalues[2] = Variant("831-431-1000");

CustTable->LocateRecord("Company;Contact;Phone", VarArrayOf(locvalues, 2), Opts, False);

Options is a set that optionally specifies additional search latitude when searching on string fields. If Options contains the loCaseInsensitive setting, then LocateRecord ignores case when matching fields. If Options contains the loPartialKey setting, then the KeyValues parameter can specify incomplete strings for field values. (For example, in the previous statement, the Contact field would match any record where Contact begins with 'P'). If Options is an empty set, or if the KeyFields are not string fields, Options is ignored.

The SyncCursor parameter is set to True or False to specify whether the cursor is set to the position of the found record or not, respectively.

LocateRecord returns True if it finds a matching record; otherwise, LocateRecord returns False.

See Also