procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); virtual;
virtual void __fastcall ExecuteVerb(int Index);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
procedure function |
public | DesignEditors.pas DesignEditors.hpp |
DesignEditors | TComponentEditor |
Performs the action of a specified verb.
The form designer calls ExecuteVerb when the user selects the verb that is returned by GetVerb(Index). This verb is the string that appears in the corresponding position of the component's context menu.
TComponentEditor does not supply any verbs for its component. As a result, ExecuteVerb does nothing. Override GetVerb to provide a set of verbs, or menu strings, that are added to the context menu which appears when the user right-clicks the component. Override ExecuteVerb to implement a response to each of these verbs.