FMX.AddressBook.TAddressBookContact Properties

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AddressespublicSpecifies the contact addresses.
BirthdaypublicSpecifies the contact person birthday date in the TDateTime format.
CreationDatepublicRead-only. Returns the contact creation date and time in the TDateTime format.
DatespublicSpecifies the dates associated with this contact.
DepartmentpublicSpecifies the department to which the contact belongs.
DisplayNamepublicRead-only. Returns the contact display name.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
EMailspublicSpecifies the contact email addresses.
FirstNamepublicSpecifies the contact first name.
FirstNamePhoneticpublicSpecifies the contact phonetic first name.
IDpublicRead-only. Returns the unique contact ID.
JobTitlepublicSpecifies the job title of the contact person.
KindpublicRead-only. Returns the contact type.
LastNamepublicSpecifies the contact last name.
LastNamePhoneticpublicSpecifies the contact phonetic last name.
MiddleNamepublicSpecifies the contact middle name.
MiddleNamePhoneticpublicSpecifies the contact phonetic middle name.
ModificationDatepublicRead-only. Returns the contact modification date and time in the TDateTime format.
NickNamepublicSpecifies the contact nickname.
NotepublicSpecifies a custom note.
OrganizationpublicSpecifies the company name where the contact person works.
PhonespublicSpecifies the contact phones.
PhotopublicSpecifies the contact person photo.
PhotoThumbnailpublicRead-only. Returns the contact person thumbnail.
PrefixpublicSpecifies the prefix of the contact name.
RelatedNamespublicSpecifies the contact related names.
SocialProfilespublicIt is a list of the social profiles.
SourcepublicRead-only. Returns the source to which this contact belongs.
SuffixpublicSpecifies the suffix of the contact name.
URLspublicSpecifies a list of URLs associated with this contact.