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property PreferedDisplayIndex: Integer read FPreferedDisplayIndex write SetPreferedDisplayIndex;


__property int PreferedDisplayIndex = {read=FPreferedDisplayIndex, write=SetPreferedDisplayIndex, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
FMX.Forms TCustomPopupForm


Specifies the index of the display that shows the pop-up form.

Specifies the index of the display in the Displays array that shows the current pop-up form.

PreferedDisplayIndex is used for context menus. When an application opens several submenus of context menus, all these submenus should be shown on the same display, even if a new pop-up submenu can be shown on a neighbor display.

If a specified PreferedDisplayIndex does not exist, then a pop-up form is shown on a display that is the closest to the place where the form should appear according to all specified positioning parameters Placement, PlacementTarget, and PlacementRectangle.

See Also