Package | fmx280.bpl |
EBitmapCodecManagerException | |
ECanvasException | |
ECanvasManagerException | |
IBitmapObject | Interface that defines an object that contains a bitmap. |
IBrushObject | Interface that defines an object that contains a brush. |
ICanvasObject | Interface that defines an object that contains a canvas. |
IFMXSystemFontService | Platform service to get the default font family of the system. |
IFontObject | Interface that defines an object that contains a TFont. |
IModulateCanvas | |
IPathObject | Interface that defines an object that contains a path. |
ITextSettings | Declares methods and properties to manage the most common text representation properties of general text objects independently of the particular types of these objects. |
TAbstractPrinter | TAbstractPrinter is just the synonym for the TPersistent class. |
TBitmap | TBitmap is an encapsulation of a bitmap. |
TBitmapCodecManager | TBitmapCodecManager is the base class for the system TBitmap encoder/decoder. |
TBitmapImage | |
TBitmapObject | Base class for all objects that contain or manipulate bitmaps. |
TBrush | TBrush represents the color and pattern used to fill solid shapes or to stroke the outline of shapes. |
TBrushBitmap | TBrushBitmap instances are used to create a pattern for a TBrush from a bitmap, specifying its name and the wrapping mode. |
TBrushObject | Represents the class for brush objects. |
TBrushResource | Represents the class for brush resources. |
TCanvas | Provides an abstract drawing space for objects that must render their own images. |
TCanvasClass | TCanvasClass defines the metaclass for TCanvas. |
TCanvasDestroyMessage | Message sent after an instance of TCanvas is destroyed. |
TCanvasManager | Class in charge with creating a canvas. |
TCanvasSaveState | Represents an object used to store the state (drawing and filling) of the canvas. |
TColorObject | Represents the class for color objects. |
TCustomBitmapCodec | TCustomBitmapCodec is the base class for the system TBitmap encoder/decoder. |
TCustomBitmapCodecClass | TCustomBitmapCodecClass is a class of TCustomBitmapCodec. |
TFont | TFont keeps font properties used to draw texts. |
TFontClass | |
TFontColorForState | Manages font colors used to draw text for different states of a GUI component containing a TTextSettings object. |
TFontColorForStateClass | The metaclass for TFontColorForState. |
TFontObject | Represents the class for font objects. |
TFontSlantHelper | It helps typing Font slant. |
TFontStretchHelper | It helps type Font stretch. |
TFontWeightHelper | Is a helper for font weight type. |
TGradient | TGradient represents the class for gradient patterns. |
TGradientPoint | TGradientPoint represents an item in a collection of gradient points. |
TGradientPoints | TGradientPoints is a container for TGradientPoint objects. |
TImageTypeChecker | Is a helper class for BitmapCodec. |
TPathData | TPathData represents a series of connected curves and lines. |
TPathObject | Base class for all objects that contain or manipulate path data. |
TPrinterCanvas | Provides an abstract printer drawing space for objects that must render their own images. |
TPrinterCanvasClass | TPrinterCanvasClass defines the metaclass for TPrinterCanvas. |
TStrokeBrush | Determines the color and pattern used to draw lines and shape contours. |
TTextSettings | Defines properties and methods to store and manage appearance parameters of text objects. |
TTextSettingsClass |
PBitmapCodecSaveParams | Pointer type to TBitmapCodecSaveParams. |
PClipRects | Pointer to TClipRects. |
TBitmapCodecSaveParams | Record that contains information about the quality of the encoder. |
TBitmapData | Describes a bitmap data. |
TBrushKind | Specifies the style characteristics of a brush. |
TCanvasAttribute | |
TCanvasQuality | |
TCanvasStyle | |
TCanvasStyles | |
TClipRects | Array of TRectF. |
TDashArray | Internally used type that represents an array of Singles. |
TFillTextFlag | Specifies the filling direction of a text. |
TFillTextFlags | Specifies a set of TFillTextFlag. |
TFontSlant | |
TFontStretch | |
TFontStyleExt | Is an extended font style based on TFontStyles. |
TFontWeight | |
TGradientStyle | Specifies the characteristics of a gradient. |
TMapAccess | Enumeration type that defines the access to TBitmap data. |
TPathPoint | Defines a TPathData point. |
TPathPointKind | Defines the TPathData points' kind. |
TRegion | |
TRegionArray | |
TStrokeCap | Specifies the graphic style used to draw the ends of a line. |
TStrokeDash | Specifies the dash-dot style to draw lines and shape contours. |
TStrokeJoin | Specifies the style of the joints that connect the line segments of a shape or a path to be drawn. |
TWrapMode | Specifies the wrapping mode for a bitmap. |