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function FindNextCell(const RightToLeft, OnlyRow, Editing: Boolean; var ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean;


bool __fastcall FindNextCell(const bool RightToLeft, const bool OnlyRow, const bool Editing, int &ACol, int &ARow);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Grid TGridModel


Fills ACol and ARow with the column number and the row number of the cell that can be selected after the current cell, and returns True on success of False if a cell cannot be found.

The search starts in the cell with the specified values of ACol and ARow.

The following arguments define requirements that the next cell must meet:

  • RightToLeft determines whether the search for the next cell must go from left to right (False) or from right to left.
  • OnlyRow determines whether the next cell may be in a different column (False) or not (True).
  • Editing determines whether the next cell can be a read-only cell (False) or must be editable (True).

See Also