FMX.Layouts.TScaledLayout Fields

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FAbsoluteHasAfterPaintEffectprotectedKeeps the value of the HasAfterPaintEffect property.
FAbsoluteHasDisablePaintEffectprotectedKeeps the value of the HasDisablePaintEffect property.
FAbsoluteHasEffectprotectedKeeps the value of the HasEffect property.
FAbsoluteMatrixprotectedKeeps the value of the AbsoluteMatrix property.
FAbsoluteOpacityprotectedKeeps the value of the AbsoluteOpacity property.
FAnchorOriginprotectedKeeps the origin point for Anchors.
FAnchorRulesprotectedKeeps the point where the control starts to anchor itself.
FComponentStyleprotectedFComponentStyle is the field of the ComponentStyle read-only property.
FDesignInteractiveprotectedKeeps the value of the DesignInteractive property.
FDisableAlignprotectedFlag that specifies whether the control has the alignment disabled.
FDisablePaintprotectedFlag that specifies whether the control can be painted.
FEffectBitmapprotectedA bitmap used internally for applying effects to the control.
FExplicitHeightprotectedKeeps the value of the ExplicitHeight property.
FExplicitLeftprotectedKeeps the value of the ExplicitLeft property.
FExplicitTopprotectedKeeps the value of the ExplicitTop property.
FExplicitWidthprotectedKeeps the value of the ExplicitWidth property.
FInPaintToprotectedKeeps the value of the InPaintTo property.
FInPaintToAbsMatrixprotectedKeeps the absolute transformation matrix while the control is being painted.
FInPaintToInvMatrixprotectedKeeps the inverse of FInPaintToAbsMatrix.
FInvAbsoluteMatrixprotectedKeeps the inverse matrix of the AbsoluteMatrix property.
FLastHeightprotectedKeeps the value that the Height property had before it was last changed.
FLastWidthprotectedKeeps the value that the Width property had before it was last changed.
FLeftprotectedKeeps the value of the Left property.
FLocalMatrixprotectedKeeps the local transformation matrix of the control.
FLockedprotectedKeeps the value of the Locked property.
FOpacityprotectedKeeps the value of the Opacity property.
FOriginalParentSizeprotectedKeeps the control's size, as coordinates of a point, after it is anchored to one of its parent's edges.
FParentprotectedInternally used by the Parent property. Do not use FParent directly in applications.
FRecalcAbsoluteprotectedFlag that specifies that the control's AbsoluteMatrix property needs to be recalculated.
FRecalcHasEffectprotectedFlag that specifies whether a control's effect needs to be recalculated.
FRecalcOpacityprotectedFlag that specifies whether a control's Opacity needs to be recalculated.
FRecalcUpdateRectprotectedFlag that specifies whether a control's UpdateRect needs to be recalculated.
FSceneprotectedKeeps the value of the Scene property.
FTopprotectedKeeps the value of the Top property.
FUpdatingprotectedKeeps the number of opened updating sessions.