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AsCurrencypublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Currency value.
AsDatepublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value.
AsDateTimepublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value.
AsDoublepublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Double value.
AsFloatpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Float value.
AsInt64publicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a 64-bit integer.
AsIntegerpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a 32-bit integer value.
AsLongpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Long integer value.
AsPointerpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Pointer value.
AsQuadpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Quad value.
AsShortpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Short integer value.
AsStringpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a string.
AsTimepublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value.
AsTrimStringpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as a string with any trailing spaces removed.
AsVariantpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as type Variant.
DatapublicAccesses the underlying InterBase XSQLVAR structure.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
IndexpublicIndicates the position of the XSQLVAR in the XSQLDA.
IsNullpublicIndicates whether the field has a value assigned to it.
IsNullablepublicIndicates whether the field can have a value assigned to it.
ModifiedpublicIndicates whether a field has been modified.
NamepublicReturns the name of the XSQLVAR.
SizepublicIndicates the maximum size, in bytes, of data in the sqldata field of the XSQLVAR.
SQLTypepublicIndicates the SQL datatype of parameters or select list items.
SqlVarpublicRepresents the XSQLVAR field's value as an XSQLVAR value.
ValuepublicReturns the value of the XSQLVAR field component.